17: alone in the darkness

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Ava and Mela screamed as the ground went missing from their paws, abandoning their body to the freezing air of the wood.

They found themselves rolling down a narrow and long space, barely wide to let them pass. Mela tried to use this to stop her falling, pointing out her claws to the ground around her, but the sharp pain that hit her paws didn’t allow any result.

For a couple of seconds, that instead felt like one whole eternity, they tumbled in the total black, suffocating void that led lower ad lowered in the ground, then the soil eventually came back under them.
Ava, as she was the first to have fallen, was also the first to smash.
She rolled for a very short space, then found herself blocked.
Before she could even realize what happened, a yelling and wet Calico cat rolled on her back and hurted her quite badly, crushing her snout into the dirt.

- P-princess?! Are you alright?! - asked Mela, immediately standing up.
She shook her fur to get rid of the dust and turned to Ava.

Their powerful feline sight was barely enough to look at each other, since that space was very small.
This is the reason why Ava didn’t immediately understand it, but when she realized she was pressed between Mela and the wall of clay and felt her lungs gasping for the poor oxygen, she immediately tried to stand up.

Too bad they hadn’t enough space to raise on all four and the ground upon them didn’t allow any other position than the crouched one.

- W-where are we?! What’s going on?! - yelled the princess.

- We fell in a hole. - mumbled Mela’s voice - Perhaps a rodent den… I didn’t see it while running in the woods…

- We must get out of here. We- we can’t stay here! - Ava began squirming, pushing as much as she could to reach a wider space.
She ended up kicking Mela on one side and reached the hole they came from.

A very weak light came from the entrance, but it was quite distant and the night darkness made it possible to estimate the exact distance.
And, most importantly, it was even smaller than Ava’s expected: as her vibrissae grasped the ground getting narrow, she walked back.
- No, no, no…

- We can climb back. It’s not that difficult, we just need to be careful…
- Are you crazy?! We’ll get stuck!
- No, impossible. As we fall, we can get out. It’s just a…

- I can’t make it! I can’t breathe, there is no air here! - Ava raised her voice again, feeling her stomach shrinking in terror.

She was in a minuscule space, meters and meters underground, with a very little escape and literally no oxygen. She was trapped. It was worse than a nightmare.

- I… I do can breathe, we have air! We just need to… - tried to say Mela, but Ava couldn’t even hear her.
She kicked her again, trying to get as much space as she could and pushing anything away from her body, then tried to jump and get free, in vain.

- No, no, no, no, NO! - 
- Princess, calm down!
- I can’t breathe! I need to… GET OUT OF HERE!
- You’re panicking! Stop moving, please!- now Mela sounded at least as scared as her.
She was in serious difficulty, unable to move because of Ava’s writhing that was both hurting her and pulling dust into her eyes.

- It’s alright! It’s alright, please, calm down! I’m here with you!

- AVA! - shrieked the Guard all of a sudden.

She jumped toward and bit the princess’ scruff, physically blocking her. While this, she couldn’t help releasing fear pheromones in the little space.

She committed a terrible mistake by doing this.

Ava’s mind went black. She couldn’t process anything that came from her senses, her muscles and nerves seemed totally disconnected.
As she felt caught and cut off the few spaces between her body and the soil, she turned back, despite the pain, and attacked back: she stuck her claws into Mela’s neck and bit her ear as strongly as she could.
The young Calico opened her mouth to scream and Ava just pushed herself toward.

Obscured Dolls // Puppy in my Pocket~Adventures in PocketvilleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora