special chapter: two kind eyes [pt. 1]

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Tuesday, h 17:57

Big City, Hearth, Milky way, Human Dimension of the Universe.

About two billions star-ages away from the Nine-th Moon of the Dust Planet of Pocket Kingdom.

The afternoon was slowly turning into early evening for that late spring day.
The sunset was painting the sky above the Big City of a powerful red and orange, yet its beauty was shield by the cold, metallic buildings of the industrialized city.

The jungle of reinforced cement, where trees were replaced with factories that filled the air with an invisible poison that no one actually cared about, and hosts of tall condominiums, whose goal was nothing more than being all alike, just like empty soldiers of an army in a war against the colors and vitality.
The asphalt of the road was warm and slowly shaken by the cars, driving crazily in long lines just like scared ants.

Magic was smelling and feeling all of this, rapidly walking next to the girl who proceeded on the road.

His size was now almost like a full-grown German Shepherd, but he was still a young dog.
He wasn’t still used to see himself growing and getting old in a faster rhythm than how it used to be in the parallel world he was grown in.
He couldn’t get used to it, just like he couldn’t get used to that unhealthy place called Earth.
There any green space was fought like a terrible enemy, just like humans were deeply terrified from any contact with nature, even though they came from it themselves.

The only reason he loved his new home was his owner, the girl who was walking with him: Kate.
The young, blonde girl was cheerfully enjoying that walk, Magic could read it from her shiny blue eyes.
She was still a child, she couldn’t see the ugliness of that world.
He wondered many and many times if she actually compared it to Pocketville’s beauty: unlike any other human being, she had the fortune to see and live it.
A world where any living being could just exist, where nature was the essence of anything, where there wasn’t such a thing like the dominant species.
Unlike the Big City, where the whole world was folded to be a servant of the humans.

But he couldn’t hate humans, nor that world: he loved his human family, he loved all the people they loved, he loved staying with Kate.

- Come on, Magic! - said the girl, all suddenly stopping toward the little gate of their house - Mom is waiting for us.
- Is dad back yet? - asked the dog.
Kate was wearing the bracelet of the Friendship Heart on her wrist, so she could perfectly understand his language.

Just like wanting to answer as well, the front door opened and a tall man walked out.
He cheerfully smiled at the girl, who ran to hug him tight.
- Dad!
- Welcome back, sweetie. How was your day? Hi Magic!
Magic wagged his tail fastly and rolled on his back, asking for belly rubs, so Peter kneed down to pet him.

Unlike his daughter, he had brown hair and dark eyes, but the lively expression on his face was surely something Kate took from him.

- Listen, Katie, I’m going to the vet. Are you coming with me?
- To the vet? Why? - asked Kate, all suddenly serious. She gave a look to Magic, as confused as her.

- Doctor Claire just phoned me and asked us to retire some documents we left the last time, when Eva… - he interrupted and his eyes shone a sad shade.

Kate looked down, doing her best to avoid his look.
Yet she was aware about Eva being alive and healthy in the Pocket Kingdom, she couldn’t forgive herself for giving her parents such a pain.
They took care of that cat just like they raised her for one whole life and when they communicated her death to them, they both cried.
They tried her best to comfort Kate first and she had to pretend to be sad and even cry.
Maybe she actually cried after all that stress, but she knew the truth. After all, she couldn’t reveal it for no reason.

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