Chapter 7: the eyes of a demon

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// CW: horror themes, mentions to death //

-Your Majesty! - exclaimed Komorebi.

He used the most cordial and calm attitude he could while bowing toward the Princess, resulting even a bit too enthusiastic.
He made a charming smile and wagged his tail as a friendly sign, hoping it could take her attention away from the place his friend was hidden in.

Ava walked toward and stood a few steps from him, staring at his white short body with a surprised - but furious - glance.
Her blue eyes shined like lapis-lazulis despite the soft light and studied the fox with suspicion.

- Komorebi, what… what are you doing here?! How did you arrive? And why?

- And… why? I don’t understand, Your Majesty, isn’t it obvious? I was here for the meeting!
- The meeting? I wasn’t told you were on the list of the guests. With what role? Did the Duchess of Thustears invite you as guardian of the Iced Valley?
- Exactly. - nodded the fox.

He was doing his best to not make evident the panic he was actually feeling. Being caught by the princess was the worst thing that could happen, for sure.

- I didn’t know this, I should have been informed about it.
- It’s been a very impulsive decision, I guess. You could ask Her Highness yourself.
- I was talking with her a few minutes ago, but she didn’t tell me anything.
- Didn’t she? Really?

Meanwhile, the cat behind the corner peeked from his place.
He couldn’t see very well the other feline standing toward Komorebi, but for sure he could guess her slimmy and elegant silhouette through the darkness and the shiny jewels she wore on her head.
Two thoughts invaded his mind, cancelling any other one: the first one was noticing how beautiful she was. Immediately then, it recalled another one, a picture that was clearly impressed on his mind.
A painful, sweet memory tore his heart apart:
“Just like Emma….”

He didn’t even realize he had sobbed. He immediately regretted it and closed his mouth and nose with one paw, terrified.
It was too late: the little noise was heard by Komorebi.
He turned his ear in his direction, in panic.
Ava, who instead didn’t catch the sob, noticed the weird movement of the fox and looked in that direction.
The cat hid back, praying he hadn’t been seen.

- Is there someone with you? - asked the Princess.
- Someone? With me? No, of course not!- lied to the arctic animal with another friendly smile.

Sadly, Ava wasn’t in the right mood for being in confidence.

- Komorebi, your presence feels very weird to me!
- Uh? But, Your Majesty…
- And you didn’t answer yet: what are you doing in my apartment? Are you looking for something?
- Not something, but someone! I hoped to meet you in the Throne Room but I was told to come here…

- You did see me in the Throne Room, but you ran away for no reason! This is very suspicious, you know?
- Well… I also needed to look for my bedroom.
- Bedrooms are on the other… - Ava stopped speaking, realizing something else that was much more important:
-How… How did you open the doors?

- The doors? What doors?
- Every closed door that leads you here!

Komorebi was caught out of guard: he had no idea how to answer.
It was obvious he wasn’t sincere now, everything was out of his control. Everything was going in the worst way.

Ava exploded in anger:
- So, will you tell me why you’re here or do you want my Royal Guards to ask about it while taking you to the dungeons?!
- My Princess, no need to lose your calm. I will explain now. - Komorebi forced another smile.

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