Chapter 3: a host of painted dolls

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// CW: panic attacks, anxiety disorder. Read the disclaimer.//

As she proceeded through the Castle, Ava felt all the anxiety and nervousness coming back from the corner she eventually pushed them in.
She couldn’t get rid of those feelings, apparently.

Eva was standing out of the door of the Throne Room, elegantly sitting on the red carpet that led inside.
With her, two of the Royal Guards were standing: Mela and Danny greeted the Princess by bowing, then complimented her look.
Ava thanked, then looked around while looking for someone who wasn’t there:
-Where is Balloon?

-She was getting ready. - answered Mela, shy - She ended her sentry duty only some minutes before…
- Shall we wait for her? - asked Eva.
- I fear I’m already too late. - murmured Ava.

Then, she opened the monumental doors of dark wood with golden inalys.

It opened the way to the hall, an elegant round room whose walls were totally covered with frescoes and the dome was held by white pilasters.
It was a place supposed to precede a more majestic one, the one that had to remind about the Monarch’s power to anyone who was about to greet them.

She crossed it with fast steps and reached another huge entrance, and there she stopped.
From the inside a multitude of voices and noises came, some classic music was played softly in the background. Scents of unknown ones, perfumed candles and furs wet of essences danced together, mixing and making it impossible for anyone to determine them as singles. 
Over fifty people were walking, chatting and dancing there, and everyone was waiting for something: the arrival of the householder.

Her sight got lost on the golden knocker hanging on it, a lifeless piece of metal that hadn’t moved from its place since it had been created.

She knew that everything and everyone in there was lifeless and blocked on its pedestal, deluded to be the most lucky of the world instead of learning to be in a mortal trap.

She knew to be standing on the highest of all the pedestals, stepping down from the one meant just death.

William read her hesitation as the will to respect the ceremonial, so he gently overpassed her and pushed the door. He looked inside the Throne Room as the noise stopped and the crowd got silent all of a sudden.
He cleared his throat and then announced, loudly:
- Her Majesty Princess Ava, Monarch of the Pocket Kingdom and current Descendant of the Royal Dynasty.

Everyone exalted and pawed on the ground, happily answering by greeting.

Ava felt a grip around her stomach, a thrill of bother shaking her whole body and making her hairs rise.
She truly wished he didn’t do it, that she could just enter and confuse herself between those empty dolls like anyone else. But both the wishes were impossible, she knew it.

She felt Eva’s apprehensive presence right behind her tail, which convinced her to move to not get her sister’s worried look.

She entered the Throne Room and painted her usual, kind and composed smile on her snout.

Her sight could just meet tens and tens of eyes pointed on her, her cloak, crown and Diamond, the attention of every single animal in there was fixed on her.

The majority of them were cats, noblecats that composed the most external part of her dinasty, plus some animals of many different species and breeds.
They all came from any part of the Kingdom as their representatives, and now they were gathered in her castle. Jewels, lavish outfits and accessories, makeups… they all appeared to have been assembled by a maniacal puppeteer, a pathetic attempt to stand out that ended up making each of them like anyone else.
If a single pet would have had a less fancy look, it would have stood up instead!

Obscured Dolls // Puppy in my Pocket~Adventures in PocketvilleWhere stories live. Discover now