"Which are?.." Minji asked. Hanni hesitated for a moment, thinking if she should really do this or not. She finally took a deep breath and replied. "Us. I'm confused because I don't know what's happening as you kind of just.. ghosted me for awhile with no explanation. I don't know what the hell I did or even if it did do something." Saying all that let alot of weight off her shoulders, yet even so, her heart felt heavy waiting for an answer.

"You didn't do anything, I just can't handle my emotions after blocking them out for years." What the hell did that mean? Hanni soon turned towards Minji while the older stared at the ground. "I- what?" Hanni finally spoke.
"It's.. a long story," the other replied.

Hanni just stared, even more confused then before. There was a look on Minji's face that she couldn't decipher, yet there was clear regret in her eyes. Suddenly, the girl had the urge to hug the latter, causing her to panic ever so slightly enough to where she didn't notice Minji, who was now looking back at her. "I'm sorry," Minji soon said, finally knocking Hanni back into the present. She just shook her head, knowing that words wouldn't be able to come out.

When it looked as if Minji was about to leave, Hanni made a split second decision. She grabbed the latter's wrist and finally ended up hugging her.

"Shit happens, alot of shit happens. It's not your fault," Hanni said after being silent for so while. The other just froze, stunned, before soon hugging back. Tears finally fell from Minji in a silent cry, yet she acted as if they hadn't, wiping them away. Hanni just slowly pulled away and gave a gentle smile, one that the older quickly returned. Soon enough, Minji grabbed Hanni's hand & gestured to go. "Come on," she finally said.

"Where are we going?" Hanni asked after they had started walking. "Somewhere, not far from here. We'll have plenty of time."

The rest of the walk was silent other than the passing car and occasional chatter of people.
Though when they got closer to the place, it got to where it was completely silent. The place in question however was unused bridge, ontop of a stream that had branched off from the nearby river.

"Isn't this a little sketchy?" Hanni asked while Minji led them further on the trail. "I promise you it's fine. I've gone here in the middle of the night and nothings happened." The two kept going for another minute until they finally got to the bridge. It was small, being only about 4 feet wide, and had rusted railings with a few tree branches hanging low.

Minji quickly brought them to the middle of thr bridge and finally let go of Hanni's hand, leaning on the railing. Hanni wished for the others hand but turned the idea down, instead echoing Minji. "Isn't it pretty?" Minji asked when Hanni stood beside her. Hanni looked & the stream stream quietly flowed underneath the bridge with the sun slowly setting. It really was a sight, but all she could think of was the situation and well, Minji.

"How'd you know about this place?" Hanni asked. "Found it one day while walking. Don't remember why I was even walking here but now I come here all the time, it's like kind of a like a place of my own." "Your own place?"
"Yeah, I don't think many other people know about it, and I really don't share about it either. You're the first person I've shown here." Hearing that surely woke the butterflies in Hanni's stomach, knowing she's the only person that Minji's shared this place with made her feel something, especially seeing how the other seems to adore the place.

"You really do like this this place don't you?" Hanni finally said, looking over at Minji who was already looking back at her. "Of course! Who wouldn't? Like I said it's beautiful, especially with you being here." Hanni heart skipped a beat, she couldn't have heard that right. She just shrugged it off and looked back at the stream.

"So, how's the situation with Jungwon been?" Hanni had totally forgotten about him, but once he was mentioned, all she could think about was him saying to prove their supposed relationship and kiss Minji. She really did want to though, something about Minji was captivating. Maybe her flawless side profile? Or how her hair always looked effortlessly perfect? There was alot of reasons, but the she always held back from saying or doing anything because she didn't know how it would effect the other.

"Earth the Hanni? Hello? If you don't wanna talk about it we don't have to." Minji waved her hand. "Sorry. No it's fine, I just spaced out."
"Alright, so how's the situation?" Hanni thought for a moment, deciding what to say.

"We got into an argument and he wanted me to prove I was really with you," she simply said. "What'd he say to do?" Something in Hanni's body told her to say it, yet her still sensible self told her not to. What made her do it however was a sudden rush of courage.

"He said to kiss you," Hanni quietly spoke.

Minji might've just scooted towards Hanni because she seemed closer than before. Still gazing out to the stream, she spoke with the same tone. "Maybe someday."

That put Hanni in a trance, lost in her own thoughts. What did "someday" mean? What did Minji even mean with all of this? It way to confusing, to hard to understand. One thing she did understand though was she definitely felt closer to Minji.

"You know what time it is?" Minji said after a few minutes. Hanni checked her watch before saying, "5:02."
"I suggest we get going then," Minji gently smiled. Hanni just nodded and they finally left the bridge.

Some time while walking, Hanni's hand found itself intertwined with Minji's and she only noticed it when they were close to Minji's place. "When will you be coming back to the café?" Hanni asked, ignoring the more earlier events that day. "Soon, I can't write nor study whatsoever at my apartment." Hanni chuckled. She enjoyed the moment, it was peaceful and there wasn't much to worry about. When she got home though would be a whole different story.

By now they had gotten to Minji's door and she had suddenly hugged Hanni. Hanni, stunned, froze once again before melting into the hug. She always felt different whenever she was Minji and now definitely proved it.
"Thanks, you'd better get going now," Minji said while pulling away. Hanni just nodded and the two soon said their goodbyes.

Even though the walk home was short, Hanni had alot to think about. One thing she knew well though was that she didn't want to change a thing.

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