chapter 2

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"So, when you gonna get her number?" Haerin asked. Minji had told Haerin and Dani about the interaction, and she regretted telling them as the teasing would never stop but too late now I guess.

"When you confess to D-" Minji was quickly cut off by a hand over her mouth while Danielle turned around. "Haerin, based on what I've just heard, YOU HAVE A CRUSH?!"
Danielle looked as if she was about to kill Haerin, so Minji just backed away from the chaos and retreated to her room. She then decided to read over and edit her book.

Upon inspection, Minji realized something was missing. She had no clue why she had just noticed it, but now she knew something was missing in the book. She looked back at every chapter and ultimately decided just to restart it. It would be too much of a hassle to try and fix it. She left the original alone so she could look back at it when she needed to, then she immediately got right back to work.


"Hey Min, what you doing that's got you cooped up in your room for 5 hours?" Haerin came in, asking. "Wow, you're not dead," Minji remarked while looking at the time. "Shut up, I might as well be because now she's upset. Anyways, what the actual hell have you been doing?" Haerin peeked over to see Minji's laptop. "I had to restart 'Blurred Films'. Something was missing in it." Minji turned to her laptop and closed it to talk to Haerin while the cat-like girl sat on her bed. "Really? What was missing in it, and how come you now just noticed it?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. "That's the problem I don't know the answer to. It's confusing," Minji sighed. Haerin thought for a moment before smirking. "What if the thing that is missing is somewhat related to Hanni?" Minji immediately glared at her. "How the actual hell can you come up with that?" Haerin shrugged and left the room, leaving Minji once again confused. "Why must life be so difficult to understand?" She muttered before getting up.


Minji was now walking to the café. It was about 4:30p.m. and she had just finished her last class for the day. When she entered, she got to see a smiling Hanni. "Hey Hanni," Minji said in a slightly tired voice. The two went through their regular routine, and Hanni ended up starting a small conversation as well.

After Minji got her drink, Hanni decided to finally ask a question she had been longing to ask. "Hey Minji, we've been talking for about a month now, so do you mind if I get your number or social so we can talk outside of here?" Speak of the devil. Minji thought about it for a second, then replied. "I'm sorry but it takes me a bit before I'm able to give anything to anyone, so I have to say no. But do know it will happen. Hanni just nodded, slightly disappointed, and something about her being disappointed made Minji feel odd.

Hanni felt as if she had been rejected, but upon more thinking, she really hadn't. Minji had said that it would happen and that gave Hanni slight hope. Yet still, Hanni was disappointed.


Minji got up from her seat and put the cup away. She had gotten around 2 chapters done and was pretty proud of herself. She waved Hanni goodbye and began walking home.

When she got there, she saw very sad looking Danielle on the couch. "Hey hey hey, what happened?" Dani barely looked up. "I don't know anymore, Haerin I guess." Minji sat down next to Danielle and stayed silent for a minute before talking once again. "You mind telling me a little more?" Dani nodded before talking about everything right from the start. "I tried talking her about her crush and all that, but she won't tell me a single thing and she had been pushing me away from her. I feel like she's mad at me and I just can't understand anymore." Minji nodded and thought once again. "You've got to talk to her. If you don't, it won't end well at all. Also, don't try to push her for answers. She might be uncomfortable." After a while, Danielle thanked Minji and got up, ready to talk to Haerin. Minji just shook her head. It was hard to understand the two. Actually, it was hard to understand anything. Everything was just hard.


Apparently, writing is all Minji did according to Haerin. When Haerin came in to talk to Minji, she was at her laptop, typing. "You really got to actually do something." "Okay okay I get it. Just shut up already and tell me what happened," Minji said with a hint of annoyance. "Alright alright, anyways me and Dani are on good terms again. I'm glad she actually talked to me. She also said sorry about pushing me, but it's fine." Haerin just kept going on and on about Danielle until Minji finally stopped her. "Haerin, you're fan-girling, calm down."

The two kept on talking until someone came barging in. "What are you two talking about?" Danielle came in asking. "Childhood," and "Stuff that's too stupid and hard to understand," was what you could immediately hear. Dani was slightly stunned, so she just nodded and slowly left the room, leaving the two best friends to laugh like there's no tomorrow.


It was the next day, and Minji got to get out of classes early. Therefore, she ended up laying on her bed, listening to music. This was something she did pretty much every day and every time she would end up contemplating life. Today she was doing just that and had even skipped going to the café, but now, instead of thinking of life altogether, she was thinking of this one person. The one and only, Hanni. Was it a bad choice she turned her down? How does she feel now? Will Hanni still want to talk to her? Should she have gone to the café?

Every single negative thought and outcome clouded her mind. It was if there was a storm in her head.

That's when she knew that she needed a breather. Without letting anyone know, she got her bag and walked out. Minji began heading towards her favorite place. When she arrived, she sat down and decided to just sort through her mind. Doing such was somewhat stress relieving and actually helped her think.

Soon Minji began to wonder, why do we think such intricate thoughts just to have more than half of them be negative.


As soon as Minji walked into the door, two figures came running towards her, bombarding her with questions. "Minji you just disappeared! Where have you been?" Danielle was the first person she could actually understand.

"Out," was all Minji replied. She wasn't upset or anything, it was just that 1, she was tired and 2, she wanted to keep her place a secret.

"Well then, I'd just like to say we got you coffee and a note," Danielle said. A note? Minji was taken aback but reluctantly replied. "Thank you..I guess, but who's the note from?" Minji finally questioned. "Read it and find out," Haerin replied while handing her her coffee with the note taped on the lid. Minji just nodded and slowly retreated to her room. That's when Minji finally unfolded the little piece of paper and read it.

'hi, your friends came in today and told me to write this. oh and how come your friends are both scary yet still obnoxious without you? anyways, here's my number.



Minji ended up smiling at the note. She was going to yell at idiot friend but first she put Hanni's contact in. Right after she went to find the two girls.

What she walked into was Danielle resting her head on Haerin's shoulder while both of the girls were on their phones. "Okay lovebirds, which one of you had the bright idea of the note?" Danielle immediately pointed to Haerin and the suspect just raised her hand. "Should've guessed," Minji sighed.
"Well it's not my fault you two are practically perfect for each other!" Danielle just nodded to Haerin's remark while Minji on the other hand almost yelled at her. "We barely even-" Minji was cut off once again. "Shut, you two have been talking every time you go to the café. It has been going on for a month and from what hear they're not half bad conversations." Minji couldn't deny it. She has been talking to Hanni quite a lot, and to be honest, she liked talking to her. Her voice was just so soothing in a way and the conversations they had were interesting as well. "You're even smiling thinking about her now," Haerin commented while going back to her phone. Minji didn't even realize she was smiling until Haerin mentioned it. Did Hanni really make her feel this good?

Minji shook it off again. It's nothing, nothing at all. She again just left to two and went to go deal with her own problems. When she finally was able to sit down, she decided text someone.


you: hi. if you were wondering, it's minji

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