chapter 4

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Saturday, 1:37p.m.
Hanni had texted Minji the place they could meet up while Haerin was bugging Minji about her "date" with Hanni pretty much the whole day even with Dani trying to stop her at least 10 times before giving up.

"Do you have to be this annoying?" Minji remarked. Haerin laughed, then responded. "No, but I like to see me getting on you nerves." Minji shot a quick glared and Haerin while getting ready. "Two can play at that game," Minji muttered. "So tell me, when are you and Dani going to go on an actual date?" Minji quickly questioned. Haerin got silent for a hot minute, and Minji had thought she won, she thought. "When you realize you like Hanni-" Minji looked at Haerin with a glared that would probably kill if it hadn't been Haerin she was glaring at. "I surrender, I surrender! Please have mercy!" Haerin raised her hands up while Minji rolled her eyes.

"I'm leaving this chaos filled place," Minji nonchantly said. "Have fun!" Haerin and Dani said in unison, one with a teasing tone while the other actually caring. Minji just shook her head and left her apartment, and checked the location they'd be meeting at. It was a 5-minute walk away, and Minji was quite thankful for that.


Minji got to the place- that was oddly close to an apartment complex- and quickly spotted Hanni, leaning on the back of a white Toyato 4Runner. Right then, Hanni spotted Minji and grave a bright smile while walking towards her. Minji couldn't help but grin at that smile. Something about it made her heart flutter. "Hey Minji! Come on, let's get going!" Minji quickly followed Hanni towards the car and got into the passenger seat. "Didn't know you had a driver's license, let alone car," Minji finally spoke. "Eh, more like a friend of a friend's car, thats why we're near this complex, plus really can't afford to buy much," Hanni said while putting the keys in the ignition. "Makes sense. College students are broke these days, including me." Hanni chuckled at the comment. "Shall we get going?" Hanni asked. Minji just nodded, and they went on their way, talking on the short ride there.


"We're here," Hanni quickly said while parking. Minji was surprised to see how they weren't even inside yet there were flowers everywhere. They both got out, and Minji was quite eager to go inside and, therefore, was speed walking to the entrance while Hanni followed in suit. "It's free to go in, right?" Minji checked. Hanni hummed in response as they both made their way in. A worker greeted them and told them where everything was, and quickly Minji led them to a tropical room to say.

As soon as the two entered, they felt the humidity and heat. Even with it, the place was a sight. It was basically a greenhouse containing many many flowers, trees, and plants. "Wow. This place is amazing!" It seemed Minji was the most interested in the place as Hanni just smiled and admired Minji. "Don't forget that there's a park outside," Hanni spoke. Soon enough, Minji was looking at everything and Hanni was actually mesmerized by how colorful the place was. The two did end up talking, yet half of the time, it was because of the flowers.

After about 30-minutes, they finally exited the area and went out of the park. Minji was close to getting a map before realizing why they were there. "Sorry, I should have talked to you more. I mean, that's why we're here, right?" Minji said. "Don't worry, let's just explore this place now. I mean, it is pretty big." And with that, Minji and Hanni were walking around, talking, looking, and exploring. A lot of the small gardens were nice, and some of the pathways were secluded. Everything was also just pretty look at.

"So, how's your book going?" Hanni questioned. Minji had been trying to work on her book, but every time she wrote, there was always something missing. "Not well, something is missing in it, and yet I don't know what it is. You could probably say that I've got writer's block," Minji finally replied. "Maybe I could help with that?" Hanni questioned, only to regret it 2 seconds after. "How so?" Minji glanced down towards the other. Hanni hesitated, not knowing what to say. "I could go over to your place and we could like work on it together, I'll give you ideas. Do know that I am definitely not a writer like you are." Minji chuckled at the last part. Hanni always had a way with her words. "We could, though my roommates are going to... ship us? I mean, they already are and I swear to god I want to punch them for it." Minji had nothing to lose, so saying that her and Hanni were being shipped didn't concern her. However for Hanni, she was now a flustered mess.

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