Things can and will go wrong (Part 1)

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A\N I am giving this chapter a trigger warning as it does contain a graphic rescue towards the end of the chapter so if you feel uncomfortable with depictions of blood and gore feel free to skip this chapter. Since this is an author's note I am going to remind you to vote and/or comment if you are enjoying this story.

It has been a couple of hours since then and I am currently on the phone to Andrew. Since it is quiet for the both of us Andrew decided to call me out of the blue. Of course, the others were surprised that Someone from Grey Sloan has my number. Luckily for me, I was able to escape before they could ask questions.

"I'm telling you Andrew the only free days I have are Tomorrow and Wednesday. Actually, you know what. I'll pick you up from Grey Sloan then we will grab dinner," I announce. Before he can respond the signal bell goes.

"I'm sorry Andrew. Duty calls. Please text me if that plan is ok," I Say before hanging up. With that out of the way, I make a beeline towards the ambulance. I realise that the others are going to have questions but I am going to ignore them until I know what is going on. Unfortunately, it is an all-hands-on-deck situation. We are the second on scene.

"Captain Sullivan, do you have a couple of paramedics that you could spare?" the captain from station 23 asks as he approaches us.

"O'Malley, Montgomery. Join Captain Emerson," With that, we turn our attention to the other captain.

"What can we do for you, Cap?" I ask.

"I need you two in the building. A teenager is having seizures. Make sure you sub in and be careful," The captain warns us. After giving us the location we don our breathing apparatuses. I always hate them. They just feel claustrophobic. Which is weird for me as I've never suffered from claustrophobia. Anyway, I shake the feeling off as I have a job to do. I take a deep breath as I follow Travis in. The first thing that I notice is the blazing heat. Even through our turnout gear, the heat is intense. After a couple of minutes, we reached our patient.

"Captain Emerson sent us to sub for you," I announce.

"How long has she been down?" I add for good measure.

"Five minutes. We've done the best we can," one of the other firefighters responds. Like me, he is not happy about the situation. After double checking we are safe Travis and I get to work. After a minute the girl stops seizing.

"What happened? She asks as she comes around.

"You had a seizure but you are okay now," I filled her in. She looks concerned.

"The last thing I remember is that we were evacuating the building," She starts panicking.

"It's ok. That's why we are here. My name is Erin and he is Travis. We are going to get you out of here," I add for good measure. Before we can move her I notice the roar of the fire go quiet. My instincts kick in. I cover the girl's body to the best of my abilities. Travis covers the rest of her as the flashover runs over us. I can feel the heat nipping at my legs. As soon as it started it was over.

"Are you ok?" I check on the girl as I pick myself up.

"I think I'm ok. My name is Ella by the way," She says as Travis and I help her up.

"Erin to IC we are ok. We are bringing the patient out," I inform them via the radio.

"Copy that," Captain Emerson responds. After what feels like an eternity we finally leave the building. As soon as we get Ella on the stretcher disaster strikes. I instinctively start the timer on my smartwatch.

"Travis I'm going to administer Nayzilam. Make sure she is safe," I say as I begin the search for the right medication. Luckily it doesn't take long for me to find what I am looking for. Now that I have what I am looking for I rejoin Travis.

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