An important decision

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It is the morning after and I am in an unusually good mood. Why? Well not only are Andrew and I going on a date but he decided that he was going to pick me up. Hopefully, my civilian clothes are good enough. If my hunch is correct it won't matter. Before I have a chance to leave Andrew lets himself in. Ben looks at me with a stunned look.

"What are you doing here Andrew?" Ben asks.

"I'm making sure Erin gets home safe," Andrew responds. It sounds like he was thinking of an excuse the whole night. The thought makes me giggle. After a few words from Ben, we are finally on our way to the spot.

"You know you could've said we were going out," I say.

"I wasn't sure if you told your crew and I didn't want to embarrass you," Andrew's face goes red with embarrassment.

"Well the only one I told is Travis but that is because he wouldn't shut up about it," I respond getting a chuckle from Andrew.

"Besides I want to see where this goes before I say anything to the rest of the crew," It sounds stupid but I really want to see where this goes. Something tells me it is going to be complicated but I am sure we can make it work. I notice Andrew's hands shuffle awkwardly on the steering wheel. I've said something stupid.

"Well...umm there is something that I should tell you before our relationship goes anywhe-,"

"Don't worry. Whatever it is can wait till you're ready. Besides, I want a peaceful breakfast. I need it after the shift from hell," I cut him off. He clearly feels uncomfortable with sharing whatever is bothering him. After a few minutes of driving, we made it to a nice dinner. I glance at Andrew as I walk in. He seems a little unsure of himself. After scouting a free table we sat down.

"So while we are relaxing why don't you tell me a bit about yourself," Andrew jumps straight into small talk.

"Honestly there is not much to tell. I grew up in Seattle then when I turned eighteen I left. I spent eight years in England where I became a paramedic," I say. As much as I like Andrew I don't trust him enough with my backstory. Before you can ask there is something about Travis that makes him easy to trust whereas with Andrew I just don't get that vibe.

"There is more to your story. Anyway, I gather that the information isn't first-date material," Andrew guesses. He is good.

"No. How about you?" I turn the tables on him.

"Well I was born in Italy then I moved to the States because of family drama," Andrew says as we look at the menu. After a few seconds of looking at the menu, we settled on something to eat. After what feels like an eternity in heaven we are finished with our meals and socialising. I am about to pay for my meal when Andrew stops me.

"It's a date remember," He remarks as he places some money on the counter. With that, we leave. As soon as I sit down in the car Andrew hands me a piece of paper with a phone number.

"Just in case you want a second date," Andrew confirms what I already know as I take the piece of paper. With that out of the way we finally leave. After yet another joyful eternity Andrew pulls up to my place.

"Well thank you for that. I will text you if I want another date," I say as I leave. A part of me wants to kiss him but the rest of me is saying that is a bad idea. I shake the thought out of my head as I approach the door. I brace myself for the oncoming storm as I open the door.

"Hey, mum. I'm home," I call out.

"Finally I've been so worried about you. You didn't call me when you arrived," My mum says as she rounds the corner. She looks like a blubbering mess.

"Look, I'm sorry. We got swamped and I totally forgot," I explained whilst trying to hide the bandage on my hand. I know hiding it isn't the best but my mum worries about me enough as it is. She gives me a dirty look as I head to my bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable. I just need to relax and spend time thinking about whether or not I am going to ask Andrew on a second date.

Coming Home (Station 19/Grey's Anatomy fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt