Fuck, why did I have to stutter?

I hoped I sounded convincing enough.

San surveyed me and looked into my eyes. I could tell that he wasn't actually convinced. Nonetheless, he still nodded and we got comfortable to watch the movie as we cuddled. However, the only thing on my mind was San...


I was now getting ready to go home to study as I had gotten distracted by the movie and, well, San.

Just as I was about to leave the door though, San suddenly pulled my arm, making me land against his chest. I looked up into those beautiful eyes again, feeling myself grow hypnotised.

"What happened Woo?"


"You keep zoning out."

"Oh n-nothing."

I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. Why was I such an embarrassing idiot?

Some sort of darkness invaded his eyes.

I backed away slowly as he came towards me. Inevitably, my back hit the door and I gulped, avoiding his eyes. San tilted my chin towards his face with his index finger.

"Tell me kitten. Don't make me wait."

I couldn't help but flush from both the nickname and also the stern dominant tone. But also because I didn't know how I would tell him that I had found his secret out.

Sighing frustratedly, San leaned forwards and started sucking my neck. I bit back a moan until he started biting. I felt his teeth dig into my neck but not enough to draw blood.

I whimpered from the pain and pleasure.

"S-San stop~"

"Tell me what happened."

"F-fine. Just stop b-biting me~"

I couldn't help but moan again as he sunk his teeth deeper.

"Good boy~"

I felt my heart swell with those words.

"Um have you been the one stalking me?"

San stopped in his tracks and looked at me for a while. We stayed like that for a bit until he finally broke it with a dark laugh.

"Wow looks like you found out earlier than I expected. Not going to lie, that wasn't the plan but I guess it's alright. I can work with that~"

I was taken aback. Why was he so nonchalant about it? Why was he not denying? And most importantly, what plan?

San chuckled when he saw my reaction. He caressed my cheek with his soft hand and kissed my lips. He pulled away after a few seconds.

"Mmh~ You're so tasty~"

I blushed and looked away. 

"But yeah, I killed him."

At this, I whipped my head back around to face him.


"Kang Yeomin. I killed your boss."

My eyes widened. I couldn't piece together a sentence or do basically anything. 

"I hated that piece of shit. Touching what's mine. I'm so glad I killed him. Now it's just us kitten~ Me and you. Forever~"

"I- I...."

I didn't have any words.

"I really shouldn't have met you that day."

"W-what day?"

He chuckled.

"That day a year ago when you walked into me and then we fell. And then I made eye contact with you and I knew that I wanted to make you mine. You made me like this kitten. And now you have to pay for it."

I widened my eyes, remembering when I had bumped into someone who wore glasses and a mask.

...T-that was San?!

San leaned in to whisper into my ear.

"And I'm not going to let you go either. You're now stuck with an obsessed psycho, kitten~"


I think there will only be 1 (maybe 2) more chapters (spicy~). Anyways, what do u think~? <33

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