Thank you - Prologue IV

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Thank you. Thank you because for being there for us; Thank you because you helped and guided us till the end; And thank you for all of the sacrifice you made for me to reach this point; Thank you for everything,

Thank you.


Today, the outside is colorful and lively. Fresh airs flows everywhere; Birds humming; The azure ocean are clean while the weather is clear and chilly. Its a wonderful day for an long lasting memory event.

Getting ready, i prepare myself pretty early at the morning; Making sure i don't mess up.

My parent is coming soon to join in my graduation event. I barely see them for quite some time because of their workplace. But I'm glad they're able to relax a bit.

While i already prepared my breakfast, I come to wonder on what will i do after all of this.

Putting that aside for now, the seemingly minutes that feels like an hour comes to an end, when they finally arrive at my place.

I greatfully welcome them when they're finally at my door standing leisurely.

While letting them go inside, i helped my parents in bringing their stuff. In that way, they won't feel that much to use more of their energy.

I don't want them to feel really tired before the event starts after all.

I cooked some meat so they could eat after the long trip all the way here.

While i do so, My mother helped me to cut some of the ingredients.

I told her that i can do it on my own but..

Mom is someone who doesn't follow anyone's order, Even if its my dad or grandparents.

So, as expected, she continues to help, not even bothering to speak at all.

I know that I'm not a good cook but does she not trust me that much to cook some steak..?

Sure, i have some history of burning our kitchen, But! Its all in the past now!

..pfft. Of course, I'm just joking.

But its true that i burned something before in the kitchen, But its not our literal kitchen itself that was burned.

Once the food is done, i watched them eat together in my table. They seems fine with the food i cooked.

So it means that they finally allow me to cook right?

..or maybe not.

As time passes, The Morning becomes an Afternoon.

Packing the remaining stuffs i needed, i asked my parents if they're ready. Of course i know they are but..

They just seems tired from the long trip..

Getting their confirmation, i guide them to the streets that i always use as a path road.

I used to walk all the way to the school when I'm trying to not spend too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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