Closed Chapter - Prologue II

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One Morning, The lights illuminates my room. The sun rises as always to give wonderful colors to my life. Life can be so forgiving but it can also be too cruel.

And with that, The day today starts.

Today is supposed to be just another ordinary day. In the morning, Making my breakfast is the first thing i do, almost like i forgotten to clean my bed.

In the afternoon, Preparing my stuff before going school becomes my first priority. Doing this method will prevent my worse problem later on. What's my worse problem in the afternoon?

Simple, being late.

Being late feels like a divine punishment, So i always don't forget to prepare my stuff if i don't want to face my adviser's wrath. I'm no masochist after all..

In the evening, as obvious as it is, as long as you know me, you probably would already know what will i do.

But today isn't completely like that.

My classmates told me that its our last week at school. Which is... I might have forgotten about it?

Anyways, i didn't told them about it. I feel like its quite embarrassing for them to know that i forgot such an important event.

Alot of us have been feeling multiple of emotions about this news. Some hugged their friends even though its not graduation yet; Some of them are really excited that a few of them ending up screaming about it; And some are.. fine?

How should i explain this..

Its.. Like they don't have that much reaction, almost.. Emotionless.

...Like a blantant or nonchalant?

..Sigh, i think i should try to learn more about English next time..

I don't have enough time and knowledge to understand all of the definitions of each words in my dictionary. But when i had the chance, i read alot.

It will really help me to talk to the foreigners once i go to another country.

While we're in the middle of commotion, our adviser finally came.

While today is supposed to be some sort of a special week that we should celebrate about, our adviser's reaction isn't the same.

As usual, when we are so loud, Her wrath unleashes.

She got so mad at us that she shout,


..Ouch. Almost all of us are still not used to her explosive demeanor, and we will never be.

Just a single shout of hers could cause an earthquake to us. Yet, we never get tired of it.

Even if she keeps shouting, we still love her. As we believe to the qoute,"Our teachers becomes the second parents we have."

Its true because our advisers since kindergarden are the ones teaching and lecturing us.

We become attached to each other unconsciously after time passes by.

And after a year, we have to move on and let go.

Even if they're only our temporary parents, you can't help but feel attached to them.

And even if im not talking that much to some of my teachers, i still feel a bit of attachment on them.

So, no matter if your attachment to them are small or big, an attachment is an attachment.

It doesn't matter how big or small your attachment to them because in the end of the day; They're your second parents and as their child, a thank you will do to make them happy.

In the entire period, we actually didn't do any lesson. The only thing we did is chatting amongs our friends.

Although our adviser is a little bit skeptical of letting us do whatever we want, after alot of convincing to her, she finally allow us.

My mischievous and loud classmates are really great talkers. They know when to used that in their advantages like this one.

Even if they're like that, i won't judge them.

One thing i learn in this world is to not judge someone base on their actions. You need to know them personally to have understanding to their methodology.

Its recess now. The others decided to leave the classroom to pass time in the cafeteria. While some decided to stay, the only thing they did are talking...

They never let this place go quiet till they got bored.

I wonder what's happening in the other schools of another countries.

Its would not be so surprising if their schools are also chaotic, especially if you live around in Asia.

I have some friends in online that are currently living somewhere in Southeast Asia.

They told me alot of... Interesting stories in their school experience.

I say they're really fun talk to.

Ah, its getting dark now. Time passes so fast huh..?

Alright.. See you next time..


As the sun slowly dies down, the beauty of city lights glows every around. It becomes apart of our life cycle to experience life and death.

Death. Its something alot of people including me fear. But isn't that why we value our life?

We want to cherish each moments we have in this world. We are the one who makes our path.

Every choice we do, comes with a result of unknown outcome, With the result that could be either good or bad.

We value life with the way we want. If you can't give it a value, what's the point of living then?

So give it a value. Give it a meaning. We want to cherish and make beautiful lively memories throughout our life.

Even if we can't avoid and prevent tragedy, in the end, its also apart of our life cycle.

We are born with a meaning, With a purpose that we must find on our own.

And with that, The Chapter ends here.

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