你已經幾夜無眠⋯ 為他站崗。

Start from the beginning


My alarm sounds, signaling that it's seven-thirty. I groan, leaning over to shut it off when I realized I couldn't budge. My eyes snap open as I wonder what the hindrance is. I instantly notice the figure sleeping next to me, undisturbed by the alarm.

"..." I tried pulling myself away from him, but his hold was too strong. After a few minutes of constant beeping from the alarm and struggling to escape from Wither's death hug, I managed to pull free from his hold. I end up plunging off the bed and rolling to the floor. Now I was ticked off.

Shutting my alarm off quickly, I glare at the still asleep wither skeleton on my bed.

Walking over to the side, I shake him violently. "Wake the hell up, Wither!" He stubbornly turns over, groaning as I disturb him from his sleep.

"Are you kidding me?" I was incredulous. What in the world does it take for him to wake up?!

I tried smacking his side (not too hard for my standards), shouting his name repeatedly, and it got to the point where I just started yelling random things. Nothing, I mean nothing worked.

"Are you dead or something?" I hiss quietly to myself, severely pissed off. Wither just snores in response. I glance at the clock. 8:12.

"Alright, you asked for it." I grab a bucket of water from my chest, raising it above his head before turning it over and dumping it all over him. He instantly sits up, his eyes wide.

"Finally. I was beginning to think you were dead!" Wither stares at me, droplets of water pooling onto the floor.

"Don't give me that look. I was nice and easygoing but nothing I did could wake you up. So, naturally, I had to resort to pouring an ice-cold bucket of water over your head-! Gah, Wither, what the hell-?!" Wither hops up from the bed and walks over to me, wrapping his soaking-wet arms around me. By the time I managed to pull away, I was already drenched.

"Wither! What was that for?!" My only cloak was now soaked in freezing cold water. To make things even worse, Wither starts laughing like an idiot.

"Skeleton, you're adorable when you're mad," he says in between laughs. My cheeks heat up at his comment.

"You're insufferable! We're going to be late because of your stupid antics, Wither!" I scowl as he continues laughing without any care in the world. "Also, can you explain to me why I found you asleep in my room at five in the afternoon?!" He instantly stops laughing.

"...I was paranoid that the Lord was going to barge in...," he admits, "Knowing that he can just teleport and strike at any time is pretty unsettling."

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you were dead asleep on my floor," I point out. He chuckles sheepishly, scratching his neck. "I went to check up on you and fell asleep."

What a half-assed explanation. I roll my eyes and say, "Forget it. We're going to be late, let's go."

"Hold on, since you asked a question it's my turn. How'd I get onto your bed?" My breath hitches as I struggle to formulate an adequate response. What do I even say to this? There's no chance I'm going to tell him about how close we were... My cheeks turn pink at the thought.

"Well~?" He grins, knowing that he's caught me in his little trap.

"...I decided to be generous and let you sleep on my bed. I've been up ever since," I lie, trying to sound matter-of-factly. He narrows his eyes.

"Skeleton, you're literally the worst liar ever."

"I'm not lying! Also, get out of my room! I need to find a way to dry my cloak, thanks to you."

奔跑後的落葉- Wither x Skeleton FanficWhere stories live. Discover now