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七** (Chapter 7)
eng: Nightmare




I awoke to the stinging smell of smoke. I cough and hop out of bed, choking and trying to get a breath of fresh air.

I exit my room and run downstairs. Something was different. Something was off.

Halting at the thought, I take a moment to catch my breath. Something was really off. Red carpet? I'm positive I didn't put that there. Now that I look deeper into this, the hallway looks different...

My heart skips a beat as the realization washes over me. This... This is my father's castle!

"W-What... H-How..." I attempt to teleport out of there, but my powers were nonexistent.

I start to hyperventilate. "No... No..."

"My son," my mother's voice rang through my ears, "You're finally home." The sickening sound of her heels clacking on the carpet makes my stomach turn.

How did I even get here? I didn't understand. Was I kidnapped in the middle of the night while I was deep in slumber? Unlikely. I would've detected anyone approaching from yards away.

Unless I didn't...? My powers don't work here, somehow.

"Do you realize how much your father and I have missed you?... Naughty boy, sneaking out like that. You should've known better than to run."

My gaze meets hers. She smiles a soft yet sinister smile, shaking me to the bone.

"Why couldn't you just leave me alone... I just wanted to live a normal life..." She chuckles, putting her hand on my shoulder delicately. "Oh, sweetie, you know very well that you'll never live a normal life or be considered normal." Her grip tightens as she sighs. "Running away from your father and I, especially considering the fact that we took you in, is beyond unacceptable. Your behavior will not go unpunished." She pushes me down harshly, and I end up helpless on the ground. I stare up at my mother, pleading her and begging her to stop.

"Don't you worry, honey. I'm not going to be punishing you," she says, "Your father is."

My body felt numb at the mention of my father.

No, Notch, please... Not my father... Anyone but him...

On cue, the sound of my father's footsteps rang through the hollow hallway. My breathing quickens.

"Very well, my love. You finally located our son." My mother smiles a sickening smile. "You bet I did."

My father's only response was a curt nod. He grabs my arm without warning, harshly pulling me to his chest.

"Pitiful... Pitiful, really. My son, next liege of this realm, chose to run away. Truly preposterous." I struggle against his strong grip.

"I can't believe I placed all of my hopes into a child that isn't even my own...," he says, "If those damn skeletons hadn't killed my own son, you wouldn't even be given such an honor."

My heart pangs slightly. Though I hated my parents with a passion, he did have a point. I was orphaned at the age of seven due to both of my parents going to war and not coming back alive. The lord and his queen took me in as their own. Six years later, their own son passed away after fighting a group of vicious skeletons. I was given the title Prince of the Nether.

"It's your fault," he says, glaring at my mother, "If you never had compassion for such a rebellious child, this never would have occurred." My mother sighs. "You aren't wrong, my love. I see that you were correct... Even so, this does not change anything. He will be crowned as the King of the Nether after you pass." My father scoffs. "Before then, you will be punished greatly for running away. From here on out, you will be chained to the boundaries of the Nether. You will not set foot on the Overworld ever again. Guards, take my son to the enchantment room."

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