16 : Love Vs Fear

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"Congratulations beta. I'm so happy for you", she heard Anwar's voice and looked back to see her biological father standing behind her. She placed the dress on the bed and closed the cupboard and sat on the bed as she felt exhausted after standing for a long time. That might look weird but in pregnancy, she is carrying the weight of the unborn child and the woman finds herself tired without any reason because of the child.

"Thank you ", Meerab replied with a smile and gestured for him to sit. Anwar nodded but rather than sitting, he came in front of her and asked

"I'm so happy to see you back. Can I hug you?", Anwar asked which made Meerab feel uncomfortable. She is not yet satisfied enough to trust him and believe his love. Meerab kept looking at him unable to understand what she should reply as she knew Anwar wanted to hug her as a daughter but she was not yet able to forgive Anwar because he broke her heart. She kept looking down without saying a word which broke Anwar's heart and he decided to tell her why he behaved like that

"My love, your mother died on your birth and I lost my mind Meerab I couldn't think straight. I was not used to living without your mother but I had to. To save your life my wife died as doctors said they could save only one life and saved you. Her pregnancy had complications but I pampered her and took care of her for years but got nothing in return. She left me forever. Murtasim felt that pain just for a month but I am feeling the same pain for years plus the pain of losing my daughter. I thought we would get you married to Murtasim and would never let you know about the truth but you you forced us to say that. All the years I regretted it because after 5 years I realized I committed a crime but didn't ask you back because Wakas was so happy after getting you. He considered you as his real daughter and I thought he would raise you freely as compared with me. You needed motherly love which I couldn't give.

Giving a child take courage Meerab was not easy. Every day I regretted abandoning you. That's why I started sending you money and told Wakas that we will celebrate your birthday every year with me and when you turned 25 we got you married to Murtasim as he was a suitable alliance for you", Anwar said and sat beside her when she didn't say anything regarding her, Meerab looked at him with tears as his words touched her wounded heart. How can a father call his newborn daughter a criminal? Meerab was about to question him angrily but then remembered what Murtasim said "Please be polite ", and looked down holding back her tears as they were talking about the painful past but she needed to tell him why it hurt

"You had a solution. You could have accepted me after all I was your daughter. I was not even born and you blamed me. What was my fault if doctors choose to save me? I was just a newborn baby. How would you react if Murtasim did the same someday? As he also loves me a lot ", Meerab asked politely looking at him. Anwar looked down as he would never forgive Murtasim if he did that someday and chose not to reply to anything as he knew he was wrong.

"Please Meerab forgive me as I can't change the past", Anwar requested and held her hand in his, Meerab looked here and there to gain strength to fight with her tears and talk with him politely. Yes, he broke her trust but she can't cry over this situation every time. To forget she needs to forgive but her heart is not yet ready to forgive Anwar as his actions broke her heart.

"If it was easy I would have forgave you. You never fulfilled responsibility as a father. Restricting your daughter is not what fathers do. I am glad Wakas Baba grew me and made me an independent girl but here I lost myself. You all took my strong self from me. You forced me to marry Murtasim, just wonder if Murtasim was a bad guy. What you could have done? Who would you blame then? Nobody asked for my preference and put me in this golden cage where I have luxury but not independence. I cannot wear what I want to, I can't do what my heart wants and I need to ask permission every time

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