Arc. 1/Ch. 3: Cruise Control

Start from the beginning

"To our Dragon's Head's office, by her orders."

However, that only seems to confuse the two crew members. Whether it was because China White was still on the island or Benjamin's imperfect dialect or even both, suspicion arised in the two. They continue questioning Benjamin in words he cannot understand, not looking happy either, but Bronze could understand them, and knew right away this wasn't going to be a smooth talk.

So, he resorted to his own methods by stabbing one assailant and slicing at the other, killing them both easily and in the blink of an eye.

"Dear God, bro!" Benjamin said out of shock and horror, having never seen anything like that before.

"Get used to it, kid," Eddie added. "You're bound to see much worse before the day is over."

They moved the bodies to where nobody would find them before carrying on. They reached China White's office before much longer and Eddie went straight for the radio, working the frequencies while McFarland and Turner kept guard, McFarland at the door and Turner ducked by the window.

Back on the island, China White is still with her people on the beach, ensuring their business there is going smoothly as always while waiting for further results.

Everything is until her attention is called by some of her men. She quickly walks over to the returning search team and discovers one of them is without his uniform. It's the same man Benjamin jumped earlier. He is holding his head in pain as the others are helping him to stay up.

He informs his leader of everything that happened, or at least of what he can remember, before he was found.

China White's eyes widen with anger as she already knows what has happened and glances back over to the ship.

Meanwhile, back in her office, Eddie shuts off the radio and turns back to his allies.

"Alright, the good news is, the Chinese are sending their naval forces out as we speak to help out and take this ship; and they're gonna contact our American friends along the way and have 'em pick us up afterwards."

"Ok, and the bad news?" Benjamin asked.

Fyers had an awkward expression as he replied.

"It's gonna take 'em a couple of hours to get here..."

"Figures," Benjamin rolled his eyes. "Well, it's taken almost half a year to get this far. What's a couple more hours?"

After he said that, alarms started going off and some red lights started flashing.

"Oh shit..." He whispers.

"That better be a fast couple of hours," Bronze Tiger replied as he looked out the window, seeing all the triad members running around. "Because we're definitely made."

"We gotta get back down and regroup with the others!" Eddie urgently noted. "Once the rest of 'em get back from the island, things are gonna get even harrier!"

The trio exits the office, checking every bit of their surroundings, and begin making their way back down to rejoin the others. They moved together as one, staying quick, quiet, and as careful as possible.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long at all before a couple of bad guys circled around a corner and spotted the trio. Eddie quickly disposes of them with his AK-47, but the sound of gunfire was bound to draw more unwanted attention.

"Go! Keep moving!" He shouted.

The trio starts moving even faster through the halls, but they are stopped by more flying bullets sent their way. Eddie returns fire, taking down one of the shooters as they retreat behind a corner. He keeps shooting to keep the enemy at bay before being handed a clip from Benjamin to reload. It's then when the archer realizes Eddie's the only one with an actual gun; and therefore, the only one fighting off their adversaries.

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