LXXI- Summit War

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(Y/N): Nice try, Ace.

Luffy: I'm your little brother!!! I don't care about your pirate rules!!!

Moria summoned a group of zombies to attack Luffy, but Jimbei hit them all with a wave of salt water, defeating them.

Sengoku grabbed a transponder snail that was connected to the entire battlefield.

Sengoku: What are you doing?! Don't let a lone rookie take control of this battlefield!! That man is a menace to the future of humanity!! He grew up with Ace! They're like brothers! And as for his bloodline, he's the son of Dragon the Revolutionary!!!

Everyone on the battlefield reacted with shock and horror.

Mihawk: Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Hancock: Even if you are demon spawn, I will always... <3

Doflamingo: Aha! So that's how he was able to recruit Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army! It all make sense now!

Jimbei: So that's it.

Cyrene: Dragon, eh?

Smoker: This explains what happened in Loguetown...

(Y/N) chuckled as more of Hina's cages passed through him harmlessly.

Luffy, meanwhile, defeated a Giant Marine.

Luffy: Ace!! Say whatever you want!! I'm gonna save you even if it kills me!!

Whitebeard: Don't let him die, Marco.

Marco: Aye aye, sir.

(Y/N) blew Hina back with a clap of wind and started running towards Luffy, Ivankov, and Jimbei.

Moria grabbed the shadows out of the defeated zombies and put them in himself. He began to grow bigger.

Marines: The Seven Warlords of the Sea are a huge advantage for our side! It's a shame to see them fighting each other! Why did Jimbei go over to the other side?!

Jimbei rushed towards Gecko Moria who attempted to take his shadow, but the fish-man avoided the large scissors.

Jimbei: Fish-Man Karate: Shark Brick Fist!!

He punched Moria in the stomach, throwing him back.

Luffy avoided attacks by random Marines when Smoker zoomed over to him using his smoke powers.

He whacked Luffy with his Seastone club, sending Luffy skidding across the ground.

Luffy: It's Smokey! That's right! That club has Seastone inside it!

Smoker: I'll be the one to dispose of you!

Luffy: Gum-Gun Jet Gatling!!

All of his attacks simply passed through Smoker's body. The Marine charged at the pirate and pinned him to the ground with his Seastone club.

(Y/N): Luffy!

Before the male could attack, Boa Hancock furiously kicked Smoker, throwing him off of Luffy.

Hancock: Let him go!!

Smoker: How did you hit me?! I'm made of smoke!!

He stood up and pointed his weapon at Hancock, who stood in front of Luffy, protectively. (Y/N) felt confused.

Smoker: Hancock! Do you want to be stripped of the title of Warlord too?!

Hancock: Silence!! I'm too furious to hear your words!! How dare you strike and try to capture the man I love!!

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