Chapter 5 - Horny?

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Presley, Jade and Beck had decided to take the relationship slow, well slower.

They had decided to act like they normally did at school. Not to tell anyone. They wanted the foundations of their relationship to be strong before letting the world in on their private life.

But they had changed some aspects throughout the week and weekends. Presley had found herself at Beck's trailer more often then not. She spent week days and every weekend at the trailer getting comfortable with Jade and Beck.

Beck and Presley allowed themselves to get closer, Presley no longer stayed glued to Jade's side when he was around. Both girls seemed to prefer him in the middle, Beck's bigger build provided them both with a sense of security they enjoyed.

At night it was Presley who slept in the middle due to Jade's insistence that she didn't like to be overwhelmed or touched to much when sleeping.

But it was good for Beck and Presley, both whom liked to cuddle with each other throughout the night.

All in all, they all enjoyed to leaps they made with each other in the three weeks they had been together.

It was the forth weekend after agreeing to become a couple that Presley noticed a difference happening between Beck and Jade. Beck, normally calm and relaxed, was now tense. Agitated at everyone, even our friends.

Jade whom while was always short and sometimes mean to others, had gotten louder, meaner, and all around scarier.

Presley thinking it had something to do with her, had been avoiding them to let them cool down. It was Andre who had clued her in on the issue going on.

"I'm telling you man the last time Beck acted like this was when Jade was away from two and a half-weeks when she went on that vacation with Poppa West to the Bahamas." Presley furrowed her eyebrows confused "what do you mean, how did Jade bring away on vacation have anything to do with how their acting?"

Andre shared a look with Robbie, to two sharing a little laugh before explaining. "Beck and Jade go at it like rabbits." Andre laughed "they're horny, I'm betting they're in a argument again. Haven't had makeup sex yet."

Presley let out a giggle. It was already almost lunch time and Sikowitz had let them out early to go to lunch. Something he did sometimes.

She ditched Robbie and Andre, letting them know she'd see them at Lunch before heading to her locker where she noticed Jade and Beck in a very heated debate.

She looked around at the slightly crowded hallway and made her decision. They had been dating for almost a month now. Presley now had a designated drawer at Beck's trailer, a extra toothbrush, and her makeup products was scattered across the vanity with Jade's own products. She had a shelf in the bathroom that had her hair straighter and hairdryer, and she had a box of tampon's that she preferred for herself behind the toilet seat.

She made a split second decision, that she admits probably should've been made as a group, but it was a spur of the moment type decision.

She grabbed Beck's shoulder swiftly, using the surprise against him as she pulled the collar of his shirt down to her. She met his lips in a bruising kiss. She heard the immediate silence, but that was ignored when Beck gripped her neck immediately.

He responded swiftly, almost growling at her roughness. Eventually Presley pulled at his hair to pull him out of the kiss, probably harder then needed but she wanted to get her point across.

She looked over at Jade who was standing completely still eying them and those around them. Presley let go of Becks hair and let her hand go out to Jade who took it immediately. "You know if you to wanted to fuck each other silly all you had to do was ask for some alone time." Presley leaned over to peck Jade on the lips "you could've even invited me if you wanted."

Beck let out a groan as he reached out with the hand that had been hold Presley in a chokehold to pull Jade toward him.

He groped the two girls immediately.

The three stayed in each others embrace for a couple seconds before Beck loosened his grip. Presley stepped away first. Eyeing Beck whom seemed to relax tremendously.

"Can we please go back home after school, the three of us?" Beck pleaded but he looked cautious with his question. Like he was afraid to push Presley into doing something she'd regret. "If your comfortable." Jade muttered and Presley leaned over to peck Jade on the lips again. A silent reminder that she trusted them.

"I'm comfortable, I wasn't aware you two weren't having sex like normal. If I had know I would've gave you a couple days each week. Until I was comfortable that is." Presley grabbed her bag from off the floor as the three of them made their way to their normal lunch table outside, ignoring the loud commotion from the students around them. "We're suppose to talk to each other. If you two need time with just you two you, or even time by yourself, have to tell me."

Beck and Jade shared a look but nodded at the request.

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