Chapter 4 - Sleepover

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The Nozu date had been fun.

Beck surprisingly had claimed the seat beside her in the booth, an arm going around her shoulder as she pulled her into his warmth.

And upon seeing that Presley was more concerned about finding affordable meals on the menu, Jade offered to pay for everyone's meal much to Presleys annoyance.

And Jade didn't comment on their close proximity, she never did.

Presley figured eventually she would work up the courage to ask why she was allowed to touch Beck, why she was allowed to hug Jade, why she was allowed to lean into their embrace with no consequences.

But she wasn't brave enough.

"Favorite Movie?" Beck questioned "Any Harry Potter movie duh." Presley answered faux glaring at Beck as the boy was completely aware of her obsession with Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.

"Favorite fictional couple?" Jade questioned and Presley paused "Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen are my favorite, Jasper practically worships the ground Alice walks on."

"Favorite food?" Beck questioned

"Depends on the day, homemade spaghetti or Pizza Hut's wings."

"Favorite Animal?" Jade asked.

"I like dogs and cats."

"Favorite Song?" Beck asked.

"Anything by Sabrina Carpenter, Taylor Swift, or Miley Cyrus."

"Favorite Band?" Jade questioned "Five Seconds of Summer." Presley answered. "Favorite Elective?" Beck asked

"I like Choir and Art......"

The questioned lasted well into the evening. And when Beck and Jade was done questioning her it was Presleys turn to question them.

Presley learned that Jade came from a broken home, with a dad already on his fourth wife, and a mom that worked every chance she got. She had a little brother, Jasper West was 8 years old and Jade talked highly about him despite expressing her annoyance about his habits.

Beck's parents were a different story, while he didn't come from a seemingly loving home, his parents and Beck didn't get along. Though Beck expressed it was mostly him and his dad.

The Oliver parents hadn't agreed with Beck's decision of dating Jade, had became overbearing and unreasonable when he expressed his love for the West girl. Beck stated that they had never interfered with his older sisters relationships or curfews, and he had refused to let his parents dictate his own.

Because it simply came down to the fact that they didn't respect him, or his relationship with Jade.

Presley told them about her deadbeat of a dad, and her odd relationship with her mother. Told them that sometimes it was hard to afford going to Hollywood arts with it being so far away from her home. Her mother expressed that paying for school lunch everyday was becoming expensive and taking charity from Lane felt wrong. Alice Green had even picked up extra shifts to accommodate her daughters dreams, but Presley knew it was still too expensive for her mother to handle sometimes.

They learned a lot about each other that night.

And Presley found herself wishing for a dream that would never come true.

A dream where the two of them would offer her a place as their third, a beautiful dream that was.


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