32: Three Knives in the Back

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Commander!"

"Excellent. Proceed with your drills, I will come to each of you."

Dawn leaned over to Leixa, keeping her voice low. "How often does she instruct?"

"Not often, other high ranking Protectors usually run classes." The Second whispered in response, violet eyes shining with amusement. "The Commander teaches a few times a month, and sometimes oversees lessons to ensure procedures are running smoothly."

"They look enraptured." Dawn commented, noting the way the Protectors beheld the Commander with utmost respect and admiration.

"They are." Leixa chuckled, folding her arms. "To most, Syrena is an idol."

"If you want to gossip then go somewhere else, if you are going to stay then remain silent." Syrena snapped, turning to face the two with a scrutinising glare. "You're distracting my students."

Once Syrena had focused on the class once more, Leixa brought her lips to Dawn's ear. "She's in Commander mode, don't let it get to you."

The human girl scoffed. "As if I would."

It wasn't long until the Commander allowed her students a break from their arduous training. While Monstra did not tire easily, the importance of breaks was not missed.

A trainee Dawn recognised from the night on the track came bounding over, face alight with excitement. "Human! Oh, sorry, Dawn!"

"Uh, yes?"

"Can you please teach me how to run?" She asked, gathering the attention of the other trainees. "I want to be as fast as you!"

"Oh, me too!" Another called, quickly joining their classmate as they faced Dawn. Eventually, she was surrounded by the Monstra students.

Eyes wide with caution, Dawn shook her head. "I'm not a qualified instructor for your lot."

"Lot?" The Monstra girl asked, obviously confused by her words. Perhaps she had not been subject to the way of the world just yet. Dawn almost pitied her.

Noting the fact that Syrena was watching her and feeling a strong sense of smugness for stealing her class out from under her, Dawn tapped her chin. "I suppose I could, if I felt so inclined."

"You can?" The Commander asked, eyes narrowing like she suspected Dawn to be telling another lie.

"Did I not tell you that I often helped with instructing the youngest Venturers within Kings Grave? You're not the only mentor here."

Leixa then turned to Dawn, almost surprised at this information. Clearly, Rose had not told her much about her. "You did?"

Dawn nodded. "I would have probably been the next Head Venturer had I not been kicked out, or looking to retire."

"Then please can you train us, too?" The Protector trainee begged, very much looking as though she wanted to learn under her guidance.

"You want me to train you?" The former Venturer was struggling to comprehend that a Monstra was looking to learn from her. "I'm just a human."

"You're the fastest person I've ever seen. Why wouldn't I want you to train me?" The girl said before casting a glance towards Syrena. "She can, can't she, Commander?"

"Dawn will have to get permission from the King, but I don't see why not." Syrena replied, looking at Dawn peculiarly. It looked as though she was trying to envision the snarky human as a mentor for her recruits, and finding the vision rather amusing. "If she agrees to it."

Weren't Protectors taught to hate humans? To kill them? Why were they so eager to be trained by one? Why did they look as though they weren't seeing her for what she was but rather what she could do? "All right, I will look into getting permission from Zyire."

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