= End =

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"Because the world is unbalanced by darkness which I am meant to balance by light."

Deja vu.

The words of his father flickered red in Jungkook's eyes. It was terrifying hearing the same words twice with different meanings --- or perhaps that was what Vincent meant by balancing and Jungkook was the one who misunderstood? Balance meant balance, one could add more weight to stabilize the scale and one could lift the weight that was slanting the scale.

One thing or another, it is all the same.

The darkness the former king talked was not about Corvina but malice of humans forming a vast cloud and overlapping the Sun. It was all meant to be like this from the start.

Then should he just stand and watch Rose loose herself and finish the whole humanity for the sake of world balance?

In this strange journey he saw everything he didn't in the warm embrace of Serendipity. He witnessed true loyalty, he felt fear, he endured hatred and this taught him a great lesson. Jungkook heart soften after the tragedy this journey gave him and he learned himself. He learned to listen his heart now.

He won't say that he risked his life along with thousands of soldiers just for Rose, but it is also true that it was mostly for Rose. And now how could he let her lose herself just for the sake of the world?

"I can't choose you over millions of innocent lives." Jungkook said, pressuring himself more but it was no use. "But I also can't choose those strangers over you."

It was evident he is no match for Rose, Taehyung's formation binded her heart with Corvina's power and she was strong from the start and now that her power is multiplied with Rose's Pure heart. It was undefeatable. The hatred in Rose's heart is just amplifing everything.

Just then Rose stopped, Jungkook did the same. Still trying to persuade with his words, it's not like there is any other way, he said, "Come back, Rose. You are not like this. You can stay here if that's what you want. Just leave this.

Rose laughed, clearly implying that she doesn't believe in any of his bullshits. He will let her stay here? It almost sounded-- - erase that-- it fucking sounded like coaxing a child by promising to give him lollipop and lure him into that kidnapper car. But Rose is not a child and it was funny.

And also it is too late now to trace the steps back, the path was long erased by the wind and rain and she was close to her destination. The Tormented Creatures are all out callously, by each passing second the world is blending into them.

"What do you see in humans to be fond of them this much to risk your life?" Rose asked.

Jungkook replied, "Because they are humans! Just like you and me. I have seen that wrinkled smile of a old man that effortlessly made its way on his face when he used to watch other children play in his garden. I have seen that sorrow of that son who silently mourn for his mother's death for years. I have seen that foolishness of a lover ending his life just because his love was death.

"I have seen that hatred of human for its own race. And that's some of the most infinite reasons I want to save humanity."

Rose's lip twitched, as if the anger accelerated her powers, she successfully threw Jungkook in the air upon the crowd of beasts, "You are just a fool and nothing more." Jungkook was just about to balance himself and was attacked by another blow. "But you know what? I forgive you. That's why I am giving you two choices: live with me or die with your humans."

Jungkook stood again, coughing up blood with his brain announcing about the broken bones and loss of blood, he let out a breathe and replied with great difficulty. "I care for you that's why I'll die with you."

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