oscar x carlos x lando

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i woke up , feeling I'll.. I've felt like that for a while now.. I've started feeling shaky and really nauseous.. i haven't ate breakfast in a while.. 2 weeks to be exact.. and barely anything for dinner or lunch.. people on the internet comment about what I look like.. how fat I am.. i already know i am.. im a whale.
nobody noticed my weigh-loss (or so I though) i like to hide it by wearing oversized jumpers or T-shirts that are 2 sizes to big.. whenever all the drivers go out as a group to eat I always try and think of an excuse.. it never works.. sometimes when I'm there I don't get anything or when the calories aren't on the menu.
i remember one time.. i didn't think anyone would notice the significant amount of weight I lost I was playing with my pasta I had to get it because it was the only thing that had calories that wasn't too high.. i was twisting the Spagetti in my fork until I noticed lando looking at me.

I was talking to Carlos when out the corner of my eye I noticed a lonely looking Oscar.. staring at his plate and spinning the pasta in different types of circles..
"hang on Chili.. I'll be 3 mins" I replied getting up from my chair and tapping Oscar's shoulder 
"quick word?" I asked as Oscar just nodding his head and following me outside..

I was talking to lando about the races when I saw landos eyes quickly bolt to Oscar.. I looked up from my wrap and saw him just playing with his Spagetti..
"hang on Chili, 3 mins I'll be back" Lando replied getting up from his chair and whispering something to Oscar.. they both got up and left.

'Quick Word' lando tapped me on the shoulder
I was so tired to eben say anything so I just nodded.. I then followed lando outside
'shit shit he's gonna get mad at me'
'he hates you'
'he's gonna call you fat'
it was awkward silence for a minute with lando just staring at me.
"I-I I'm so sorry lando.. I'm sorry I had to take you out of your conversation with Carlos.. I-I'm sorry I distracted you with me playing with my pasta" I gulped "please just don't hit me.. please don't hurt me" I repiled breaking the awkward silence
I-I I'm so sorry lando.. I'm sorry I had to take you out of your conversation with Carlos.. I-I'm sorry I distracted you with me playing with my pasta please just don't hit me.. please don't hurt me"
the moment that broke the silence.. my heart skipped a beat..
"Oscar.. please don't apologise.. this isn't your fault.. I just want to talk to u about something I've noticed recently" I replied.. sitting Oscar down on a bench outside
"I just want to ask whether your okay.. me and carlos have noticed you've started wearing long joggers and oversized hoodies" I asked.. tapping my foot after each word.. gosh I'm stressed.
"yeah.. I'm fine don't worry." Oscars unconvincing smile and tone came out and I really didn't believe it at all
"are you sure.. please me and Carlos are both worried about you" I replied.. I wasn't letting him leave until he told me.
"I-I'm fine.. I just like being comfy" oscar laughed
"stay here.. I'm going to get Carlos.." I stated.. and walking off in the distance

shit shit shit he's going to get Carlos no.
what if they both hit me.. and I can't defend myself.. and I fall back into a hole.. what if they both just make jokes about how fat and ugly i am.. I deserve it anyways what if they leave me?. tears filled my eyes up yet again.. I felt sick.. I did eat a little bit of pasta today.. like 1-2 little pieces.. but clearly that wasn't enough.. you could see my ribs through my chest.. no one saw that though because I hide it.. mainly because I hate these sort of conversations.. i felt the sick sting my throat as i found the nearest thing to throw up in luckily I found a bucket and threw up in there.. it wasn't nice.. the bags under my eyes had gotten worse.. i was a mess and I needed help.

after what felt like hours waiting lando and Carlos finally showed up.. everyone else had gone
"Logan is taking ur pasta home for later.. you didn't eat much" carlos mentioned as he sat down
"I'm not going to eat it.. give it to someone who will" i replied picking at my fingers until they bled.
"Oscar.. why don't u eat.. what have you had today.. and be truthful because I will phone up Logan" Lando snapped
"i-i-umm.." i stuttered, chocking on my words
"nothing?" carlos asked?
i just slowly nodded my head and fell in deafest
"i mean.. i ate 2 small pieces of pasta.. but i threw it back up.. after every meal I just feel like I'm fat.. I mean I know I am and I get that" i slowly said..
carlos and lando looked at eachother and there faces turned pale.
"os.. can you please take your hoodie off.. we can do it in the toilet.." carlos asked.. calmly
"i-umm-i" i again chocked on my words
'Oscar we are doing it!!' Lando shouted. was he annoyed at me??
we walked to the bathroom.. i felt weak.. like my knees were going to give up any second
"ple-please don't hurt me" i trembled..
"why would we do that?" lando asked.. worried
"o-oh no it-s okay" i replied
i slowly took my hoodie of to reveal my stomach..  of course I was next to a mirror.. I was as pale as a sheet.
"o-Oscar.. w-What have you done?" carlos breaking a pure moment of silence
"i-I'm so sorry- really i am.. oh i look so ugly"
"no you don't listen" lando explaining whilst lifting my chin up.."you always looked good.. not like that but you know.. you were perfect to begin with.. you've now just dug a hole which is going to take ages to get out out.. please don't blame this on yourself" lando looked at me.. with a big gleaming smile..
"yeah.. we will always be here for you Oscar.. we should probably take you to a therapist or get professional help.. just remember me and everyone else on the grid are so proud of you" Carlos jumped in
"t-thankyou.." i replied

everyone was there for Oscar... he knew that.

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