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A month later…..

I stared at the door of my new office. Well, it was Alberto's but it was new to me. I had kept his tequila and mezcal collection on the back shelf as a way to honor him. Besides that, my office had gotten a redesign and a deep clean.

"Erika Jimenez, CEO of the Agency." I tell myself as I enter. I went to my rose and peony scented candle and lit it. I turned on my computer and looked at the caseload.

I then heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted as I was turning my phone line on.

Amanda entered with a clipboard and iPad at hand.

"Hello, Erika. Are you ready for training?" She asked me.

"Always." I get up. I was wearing a cute little business jacket, a lavender colored dress shirt and a black pencil skirt.

“Follow me, I’ll give you a full tour of the building and introduce you to some people you didn’t get the chance to meet yet.” Amanda spoke. We walked outside and she showed me the offices.

“This is Katie Linares, she’s the data analyst for the company.” Amanda spoke to me. There was a short blonde lady on the phone. She waves at me and I wave back. We continue.

“That’s Dalton Grimes, our chief financial officer but he’s in a meeting with some of our stockholders.” The door was closed.

“That’s Shanika Erikson, our chief operations officer. She’s also in that meeting with the stockholders.”

“And that’s Casey Holmes’ office. She’s your executive assistant but right now she’s on vacation. She’ll be back next week.” Amanda spoke.

We continued down the hall and down a flight of stairs.

“This is the IT department. Normally, it’s Liang Hun, Tessa Roberts, McAllister Holmes, Casey’s younger brother, and America Santiago but I think they’re working from home.” It was a hall with a meeting room, what looked like server rooms, and a few locked offices. We passed by the hall to Starbucks and got coffee. Well, I did, Amanda got a refresher.

We go up a flight of stairs this time to the base floor of the building. I noticed there was a small crowd of people my age or younger walking around with Miracle.

“And that is the cubicle some of you may end up using. You will have your own cubicle, computer and a laptop to take home for work use.” She told them. “And by work use, I mean work use. So no streaming, no VTubing, no porn, and no illegal things.” She turned to face our direction.

“Hey, guys!” She smiled at us, extending her arms for a hug. We both hugged her.

“And this is Amanda Davies, our president of the Southeastern Agency branch. And with her, Erika Jimenez, our CEO and the current Founder of the Agency.”

I smiled at the people.

“Wow, you’re pretty young.” A girl, no older than eighteen or nineteen said.

“I guess so.” I smiled. “It’s lovely seeing all of you here.”

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