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I woke up, my face feeling tingly and my stomach hurts. I was chained to a table and Brendan was strapped to a chair to my left. Leira was to my far left, strapped down as well.

"What's going on?" Leira asked, trembling.

I see Selendaria and Leandrus approaching us with a tray and a mortar and pestle. Selendaria was grinning as she walked up to us.

"What are you going to do?" I asked her.

"We're bringing the end of the Realm." Selendaria spoke. I tried to summon the Strings but was greeted with horrific pain in my hands. I let out a pained cry.

Selendaria starts to chant over me in a strange language, sprinkling coal dust on my face. My eyes sting and my eyes start to tear up. She grabs a tiny vial and starts to collect my darkened tears. She throws the tears into the pestle.

What the hell? She then goes to Brendan and cuts his hand with an obsidian knife. Brendan makes a hissing sound and she pulls his hand, massaging it with her hand to make it bleed more.

She heads over to Leira. Selendaria instantly starts to stab her in the ribs. Leira screams in horror.

"Leira!" I shout. Selendaria smiles as she breaks her ribs to rip out her heart. She smiles as she holds her pulsating heart in her hand and Leira goes still, blood splattering on her.

"Leira!" Tears built up in my eyes. Selendaria put the heart in the mortar and she crushed the heart to a bloody pulp. Leandrus takes the pestle as she heads over to me.

"Good riddance, bitch!" She shouts as she slits my throat.

"ERIKA!" I hear Brendan shout. "NOO!"

I can't even say anything from how deep she slit my throat. I watched as she filled the mortar with my blood and forced Brendan to drink it by forcing his jaw open. Suddenly, the room burst into white light and I fell over.

My life flashes by me. My third birthday party was princess themed. My first day of kindergarten. Going to the beach with Lydia and my family. My awkward middle school years. High school with my friends. Hanging out with my sisters. Meeting Brendan. Falling in love with him. Saving him. Us together. Losing him. Losing my baby. Getting him back. Losing him again.

Suddenly I'm bathed in golden light and my body lifts up. Huitzilopochtli looks at me.

"It is time, icnocuicatlizin." He spoke. "Save the Realm."

Golden armor forms on my body, resembling the feathers of a hummingbird. Sunstone appears by my side and I feel a huge surge of power through my veins.


Jackson kicked the rubble off of him and Heather. Kyra emerged and gasped as she looked at them. Jackson realized him and Heather's had changed. He was wearing golden armor that reminded him of a jaguar. Heather wore silver armor and had a bow in hand.

"What happened?" Brett asked. They watched as a horrific looking creature started to throw pieces of the palace at something. It had the body of a bipedal wolf but it had horns and a thousand eyes.

"Oh no. The prophecy." Heather said. Jackson gulped. This was the end of all of them. But he wouldn't be a coward this time. The creature ran off as the forest trees crumbled and died.

"No! The forest!" Kyra spoke as the spell she was charging in her hand vanished. "The magic...the forest is dying and so is the magic!"

"Well, that's not helping!" Brett sighed. They saw something gold and something bronze headed in their direction.

"What is that?" Jackson asked.

The gold and bronze figures stopped. It was Leira in bronze armor and Erika in golden armor that resembled a bird's. Leira''s armor resembles fae wings.

"What happened?" Kyra asked the girls.

"They did some kind of blood ritual with Erika and I and fed blood to Brendan and he-" Leira started.

"Transformed into some wolf demon thing and is going on a rampage as we speak." Erika finished off.

"Yeah, I see that. And we all look like medieval Power Rangers now." Jackson sighed.

"Yeah, we need to catch up to him and stop him. However that might be." Erika looked like she was on the verge of tears. Jackson felt bad for her as he knew she didn't want to kill Brendan. But their mission was first and foremost. Erika took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Well, we have no time to waste. We have to stop Brendan and give those two monsters what they deserve." Erika said. They quickly started to run in his direction. Jackson thought about what they needed to do to stop them.

They'd definitely have to kill Selendaria and Leandrus in order to stop them from doing any worse. If he had learned anything in all of his years alive, it was that you did not give your enemies another day to live.

"What should we do about Selendaria and Leandrus?" Leira asked.

"Kill them, duh." Jackson spoke.

"Well, when you put it that way." Erika spoke. Selendaria were standing by the rubble of their palace, seemingly looking for something.

"Hey, you looking for someone?" Erika snapped at them. Selendaria looked like she almost got whiplash from turning around.

"No, it can't be!" She yelled, her face turning red in rage.

"But it is." Erik told her defiantly. "You're about to learn not to fuck with me or any reincarnation of me ever again."

"You're bold for someone who just had their throat slit." Selendaria summoned what looked like a sword made of dark colored steel.

"You're bold for someone that's about to be dead." Erika told her as she held Sunstone.

"We'll see about that, bitch." Selendaria summons shadow creatures to fight the rest of their crew. The crew get out the weapons that got formed with their armor. Jackson got a war ax, Erika had Sunstone, Leira and Kyra charged spells in their hands, Heather had a greatsword, and Brett had a mace. We might go down, but not without a fight. Jackson thought to himself. 

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