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I woke up at the hotel room around noon. We got to the island around five a.m. and had fallen asleep on the hotel bed since we weren’t able to sleep on the plane. 

“Good morning, Erika.” Brendan smiled at me, stroking my hair. 

“Good morning, Brendan.” I put my hand to his face. 

“Sleep well?” He raised his brow playfully. 

I nodded. “And you?” 

“I slept pretty well.” I smiled at Brendan. 

“I’m glad. So what did you want to do today?” I asked him. 

“Well, I was thinking of getting something to eat and going on a walk on the beach.” He spoke, kissing my forehead. 

“That sounds great.” I told him. We got up and decided to shower. I got undressed and undid the fancy hairdo that my mothers had done on me for my wedding. I had just changed to a sweater and jeans after the wedding when we went to the airport. By the time I was done, I had a pile of bobby pins in the sink. I stepped into the shower and turned the hot water on. 

“You’re in a rush to get clean.” Brendan says as he enters. 

“I feel gross after being up for almost twenty four hours.” I told him. 

“I’m sure you do.” Brendan grabbed the shampoo bottle and motioned me to turn around. I turned my back to him as he was washing my hair. 

“You know, my training with Amanda starts in a month. I’m kind of nervous.” I told him. 

“I bet you are, but I think you’ll do well.” Brendan was massaging my scalp. 

“I know, it’s just…these last two, almost three years have been crazy.” I responded as he moved to washing me. 

“I know they have. I spent a year as an amnesiac in Fairy Land. And from what the others have told me, you went crazy.” He responded. 

“Of course, I did.” I decided to return the favor of him washing me by washing him. I was lathering his hair. “I lost you and our daughter…or so I thought. I’m glad we’re back together.” 

After our shower, we headed off to the lunch buffet to eat. After filling my plate with various foods, I sat at a table next to the window, which had a great ocean view. Brendan sits besides me. 

“You were hungry this morning.” He spoke. 

“Well, yeah. The last thing I had was a bagel from the airport.” I start to eat. The food is pretty good and well seasoned. Brendan is already eating. 

“I hope you’re ready for this weekend.” Brendan smiled at me, sweetly. 

“I most definitely am.” I was smiling at him. “I’m finally going to get some color.” 

“You’re not that pale.” Brendan chuckled. 

“You’re right.” I chuckled. As I tried one of the foods, I saw a family with two small children pass by. Maybe, hopefully, some day that would be us. 

“Don’t worry, Erika. We’ll have them soon enough.” Brendan smiled at me. I had stopped my birth control for that reason. After eating lunch, we headed off to the beach. The sky was clear and blue, the waters were a beautiful turquoise color and the sands were not too hot. It was perfect. I could hear the seagulls flying above. 

“I still can’t believe we’re gods, you know.” I spoke in a low tone. 

“I know, it’s crazy.” Brendan sighed. “But at least we’ll be together for eternity.” 

“You’re right. But I’ll miss everyone else.” I thought of my parents, my sisters, my friends and other relatives that I wouldn’t see again. 

“Who knows, we might be able to see them again.” Brendan spoke softly. 

“That would be great.” I held his hand. “I guess I’ll enjoy them for as long as we have them.” 

“Agreed.” Brendan sighed, looking at the horizon. 

“I wonder when our daughter will return to us.” I told him. “Huitzilopochtli said she’d return.” 

“I guess that’s for the other gods to decide.” Brendan stopped walking and picked up a shell. It was purple with pink and red spots on it. 

“Here,” He hands it to me. 

“Wow, that’s a pretty shell.” I responded, placing it in the pocket of my sundress. “Thanks.” 

“No problem!” Brendan kissed the top of my head. 

“You’re the best.” I smiled, looking at him with love in my eyes. 

“You’re the most beautiful woman on this planet.” He squeezed my hand. “And I am one lucky man to be able to call you my wife.” 

“Aww, Brendan.” I flushed. I was excited for everything that was to come out of our married life. 

“What about you?” I asked him. 

“Well, I’m finally going to train to be a Field Supervisor.” Brendan sighed, staring at the sand. “I’m ready for it.” 

“You’ll be telling the others what to do.” I chuckled. 

“I sure will.” Brendan said in a jokingly exaggerated version of a Southern accent. “I’m looking forward to that part.” 

“And I’ll be stuck in an office all day for the rest of my life. After all of this shit, it doesn’t sound that awful anymore.” I shrugged. 

“Yeah, because you’ll be leading the Agency.” 

“You’re right. Erika Jimenez, CEO and current leader of the Agency.” I put my hands to my hips and puffed out my chest. Brendan chuckled. 

“Alright, Mrs. Jimenez, don’t forget to be humble about it.” He lightly smacks my arm. I kiss him on the cheek. 

“I am humble but I’m also proud of myself for landing that position.” I smiled at him. 

“I can tell. I’m proud of you too.” He kissed my cheek. We continued to walk along the shore. The tides were coming down, exposing shells and wet sand to our eyes. I grabbed one, only to be surprised by the feeling of something on my hand. It was a hermit crab. I let out a holler and dropped it. Brendan looked at my hand and chuckled. 

“You asshole!” I shouted, smiling back. Oh, fun. 

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