"Amalia," I attempt, watching as she pulls her hand out of our fathers, much to his blatant dismay, and turns away again, facing the wall. She's so close to it that her forehead almost touched it, but she quickly burrows that beneath the covers, hiding her entire body under the thin sheet.

"Baby." My dad tries, setting a hand on her wrapped up back. She moves away from him, almost entirely pressed up against the wall.

My lips tilt downwards. "Amalia." I repeat.

Elijah steps beside me. "Angel, please talk to us, we just want to make sure you're okay."

She doesn't reply, but I can see her body trembling. Sadness and pity and so many emotions swirl within me at once, and I have the sudden, overwhelming urge to sob my heart out.

"Amalia." I say again.

She covers her ears with her hands, closing her eyes tightly. I feel my heart crack for the fiftieth time, and I sigh.

     "Lia." Cole attempts. "It's us. You can talk to us."

     She doesn't say anything. She doesn't even move.

Amalia sleeps the entire day. By the time six o'clock comes around, the nurse comes into her room and tells us we have to leave since visiting time is over. Elijah is the first to say goodbye. He holds onto her hand and kisses her forehead, whispering something in her ear before putting a small envelope on the bedside table.

     I sit beside her next, leaning down. "I'll see you tomorrow, darling." I whisper, setting a hand on her stiff shoulder. I expect her to relax under my touch, but if anything she only tenses up more. I kiss her cheek. "I love you."

     She doesn't respond, again.

     I stand up and walk out of the room, leaning back on the wall as the rest of my brothers say goodbye. When we're all outside, we wait for dad for about three minutes before he walks out, a heartbroken look on his face.

     He closes the door lightly behind him. Then he starts walking down the hallway wordlessly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and typing hastily.


I'm okay. You'll be okay.
Everything will be fine.
I'll see you soon.

—Love, Mason.

My eyes water as I close the note back over and hold it to me as though it's the most sacred object to ever exist.

I inhale a small, shaky breath before climbing out of bed. I walk over to the door, able to decipher the way even in the dark. I've had a lot of time to just.. look at this room.

I open the door, then step outside. A chill overcomes my body, and I shiver. I debate wether to go back to my room and grab one of the blankets my dad brought for me, but decide against it and continue down the hallway.

I pause when I see two people at the end of the corridor. They both turn to look at me, and I recognise one of them as the nurse that always comes into my room.

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