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A week passes.

I feel more closed in than ever.

"Are we sitting with your friends again?" I ask Frankie as we head toward the cafeteria.

He nods, and I internally groan. Mia, Edie and Ollie have been working on a project since Monday, so normally they're doing that at lunch, meaning I'm lonely in the corner. So I decided to start sitting with Frankie so I can get to know him more, but all it's doing is making me bored. Now I feel like I just have to.

He leads me over to their usual table, sitting down. I take the spot next to him, throwing my bag onto the floor as I pull my phone from my pocket.

I'm back at my dads house, thankfully. The fact that I have a boyfriend has died down, but my family members continue to grill me any chance they get. They give up when I don't reply, though, content to throw pillows at me instead until my dad tells them to stop.

     His friends begin to crowd the table. I feel myself shrink as Frankie slides a hand onto my knee.

Vividly, I hear someone ask a question about us. I'm about to ask them to repeat it since I didn't catch what they said, but Frankie answers for us.

"What did they ask?" I ask my boyfriend.

"You need to listen, Amalia." He replies, his tone rather scolding. I frown. "He asked if we're going to the bonfire tonight."

"What bonfire?"

"Don't worry, I already said yes." He says.

"I don't even know if I'm allowed to go." I reply.

"Your dad never lets you do anything." He mutters.

I'm silent for a few seconds before saying: "I can ask him."

He smiles, and a small spot of relief spreads in me. "Okay."

I click on my dads contact and send him a message.

ME: Can I go to a bonfire tonight?

His response comes a few seconds later.

DAD: At the beach?

ME: I think so.

DAD: Who with?

ME: Frankie. Other people from my year will be there too.

DAD: Let me meet him first.

ME: Why?

DAD: Because I wanna know who my daughter is spending her time with.

I look up at Frankie. "My dad wants to meet you first."

"Okay. That's fine." He replies.

ME: Okay. But you have to be nice.

DAD: I will be, sweetheart.

I shove my phone into my pocket.

Xander's the one who picks me up from school. He smiles at me, and I smile back as I climb into the passengers seat.

     "How was school?" He asks me.

     "Fine." I reply shortly.

     "Do you wanna get ice cream?" He asks.

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