Basketball Argument

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Today, you and Joshua are having date night, at home.

But this date night isn't about you and him, it is about the semi-finals for the basketball team you both are supporting.

The problem is, you both are supporting two different teams!

You: Jagiya, you may be my boyfriend, but I will not care about the tears you shed after my team wins.

Joshua: Jagiya, that's what I wanted to say. Don't cry.

You: I won't be, because it will be you crying.

As you guys were arguing whose group was better, the game began with a whistle blow. Both of you dropped the argument and glued your eyes on the TV.

You both were eating popcorn while watching the intense match.

After almost two hours, it was still a tie. The game was having a short break, showing advertisements.

You and Joshua was so nervous, you both didn't comment anything about the match. 

You both reached for the popcorn, your hands touched as you both made eye contact. 

Joshua looked at your lips then your eyes. He moved in for a kiss. He used one hand to grab your neck and put his lips on yours. You both enjoyed it for a while until the whistle by the referee made you both look at the TV again.

He looked at you, you looked at him. He gave you a soft smile, you gave him one back and you both focused on the game again.

Suddenly, it was as if it happened in a flash, Joshua's team won.

Joshua: Yay! Let's go! Woah!

Joshua got off the couch and started dancing.

You got up, ate one last of popcorn and headed towards your bedroom.

Joshua stops you by grabbing your hand.

Joshua: Where are you going?

You: I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep. You can go home if you want.

Joshua: Ah I'm sorry... Are you upset...

You: No, it's okay. I'm just sleepy.

Joshua: No, I'm sorry. Go sleep. I'll clean up and leave.

You: Thanks.

Joshua: Good night.

The next day

Mingyu: Hey, what's wrong with Joshua?

Wonwoo: I know right, he's been staring at his phone all day.

Mingyu: They probably had a fight or something.

Joshua: It's not a fight!

Wonwoo: I see, it was.

Mingyu: It's okay Joshua. Relationships improve through fights.

Joshua: It really isn't a fight.

Mingyu: Sure, sure.

Wonwoo: Joshua, even if you both are in a fight, as the man you should apologize first, tell her you love her, make her happy.

Mingyu: Wonwoo's right. If you don't, you'll regret.

Joshua: You guys! You think I'm not thinking of a method right now? I'm trying my best to come up with a way to make it up to her.

Mingyu: Just call her, ask her out.

You were at home, bored and waiting for a call. You can't stop thinking about last night when you ignored Joshua. You regret.

You: Joshua's is probably mad at me... I shouldn't have been upset over that little loss.

You put your head down and think of ways you can make it up to him. As you were about to pick up you phone, you receive a call from Joshua.

Joshua: Hello, jagiya?

You: Yes?

Joshua: Uhm... I was wondering...

You: Yes...

Joshua: Do you want to eat dinner together? At the sushi restaurant near your place?

You: Yes, I do!

Joshua: Okay... I'll see you there at 7pm.

You: Okay.

When you arrived you saw Joshua standing outside the shop waiting for you but he was wearing something weird. You went to get a closer look.

He was wearing you favorite team's jersey!

You: Jagiya!

Joshua: Oh, you're here!

You: What's this?

Joshua: Oh the jersey? I recently got into it you know, I decided to buy the jersey, plus I look good in it!

You both enter the restaurant and as you were waiting for your order to arrive,

You: You wore it because you think I'm upset?

Joshua: No, I like the team, seriously!

You: Sorry... I overreacted that day, I didn't even say good night.

Joshua: Cute.

You: What?

Joshua: You're cute.

You: Huh? Suddenly?

Joshua: It's cute how you think I am mad at you. How could I ever be mad at you?

You look at Joshua with stunned eyes.

Joshua: I hate that I have to support another team, but I hate even more us having to argue at a basketball game every time. Since you are the one I love, shouldn't I love what you love?

You started to get teary and you looked at Joshua.

Joshua: I admit, having to betray a team is painful, but it hurts more when we argue. I love you more, jagiya.

You: I love you 100 times more.

Joshua: I love you 1000 times.

You: Then I love you 10000 times.

Joshua: Heh, just admit I love you more.

He moves in a gives a small kiss on the lips.

Joshua then moves close to your ears and whispers,

Joshua: We should've finish what we started that night.

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