"I just don't want you to be into Vaxius so much, Viona. You know he's not a good role model. He's branded as a playboy within the empire..." he managed to cross both of his arms as his gaze on mine narrowed.

I could see how my soul was shaped in his mirror but all I could see from there, are cages of my past self.

Then a thought came across my mind, when he was blinded in love with Lady Cornelia in the past, no matter what I said to him, or did to make him realize that I did nothing wrong, he wouldn't believe me.

He wouldn't believe a friend who stayed with his side for 10 years, and he was even able to break his own promise to me.

When I thought of that, I also thought of how many people tried to understand Vaxius and why he would act the way he did. We might be in a deal, an agreement with each other, but I still don't know much about him.

All I knew was the rumors circulating within the empire that he was a playboy and a bad boy but when I got to know him, it felt as if all those rumors weren't true at all. As if he's concealing his true self to protect something.

Or was he protecting himself from danger so he's acting the way he is

"....that's why for now, you should be able to stay away from him..." were the last words he said before our journey came to a halt.

"Milady, young master, we're already at the market..." Helder said, our horseman within our household. Klein asked for a minute and we stayed looking at each other.

I sighed and looked away. We were indeed at the place where he would be able to meet the love of his life, but it may take time, a year from now.

However, the memories from my head were still vivid as if I've been living a life full of lies when it comes to Klein and his words.

Especially the words that he promised were just a form of ashes blown by the breezes into the abyss of nothingness.

"Then Klein, may I ask you something?" I looked him in the eyes, but this time, it was different. When I was looking at him with my eyes describing how dazzling he was, right now, my gaze targeted his soul.

"How much do you know how your friend, feels about when you were talking behind his back, Klein? What does it feel like to be branded that way when you couldn't even express the real you?"


I sighed, I put my hands in front of him, and shook my head.

"Let's better get going or else, the mood I've set earlier would be ruined..." I grabbed his hands as we went away from the carriage and towards the market where he would usually bring us, into a shop full of supplies in catching fireflies, and any other harmless animals.

We would usually do those things, but as we grew up, we were never able to go back to the way we were before.

But before we grew up completely, I wanted to savor this moment with him, despite how badly he had talked about Vaxius earlier.

It's just that when he would meet Lady Cornelia, then our friendship might end again, this time, I would be the first one to let go in order to find my own happiness.

I heard him chuckle and at the very least, he might have already forgotten my words earlier. Today, we won't be able to talk about Vaxius, not when I wasn't able to get the proper answer from him when I only asked him a few seconds of his time.

That was the first time I saw him widen his eyes and open his mouth, but it felt like his words weren't able to come out.

As we headed towards the shop, Klein would speak of the way he managed to outnumber me from catching fireflies.

He managed to touch a frog and handed it to me, but I suddenly shrieked and he teased me to the ends of the world just to let me touch the frog again.

When he managed to catch a small fish in a pond and let me see it he would splash the water to my face and then I would cry and he would comfort me.

The first day we weren't able to go out of the forest because it rained and he was the one who found a cave near our household. He was careful back then because he knew I was angry.

He then gave me his coat after warming it up from the fire he had created. Even if we were small children back then, I felt as if he was able to live on his own. I have a question in my mind back then, if he was able to live independently because he knows what it felt like to be abandoned at such a young age.

Even if his parents didn't want to do that, it was an accident but he still managed to live despite the cruel reality he had faced at such a young age.

"....Viona," I didn't even know what was happening in front of me, but when Klein's face came closer, I could feel how warm and minty his breath was.

I felt his hand tucking some loose strands of my hair into my ears and my soul had been captured by his mirror.

"I wanted to say this to you but...." Before I could finish his words, we heard someone shrieking beside the shop. As if a lady was being harassed.

Being the way that I am, my feet moved on their own and halted only to look who it was. I tried to open my mouth and shut at those men who had some scars on their faces holding a young lady but my voice wouldn't come out.

Right when I felt a shadow following me here, I closed my eyes and tried to breathe some air. I turned around and looked at a very familiar person but I knew it was too early for the two of them to meet, not when they would expected to meet a year later.

"Klein, would you please save the lady?" I could see how his eyes focused on the young lady being held by those gruesome men, he wasn't even able to look at me because the moment he saw the lady that he would fall in love with, that's the face he would make.

That's the time I moved aside and looked at Klein fight the men because he had been trained in swordsmanship at a young age.

But my eyes diverted to somewhere when I thought everything was moving. A sudden warmth invaded my hand but I felt like they were infectious not the same warmth I would feel towards Klein.

Little did I know that the sunlit place I was in earlier became dimmed to the point that the light was fading away.

"Then I guess, I would have to borrow you for now..."

"Who are you-----" I heard him chuckling to turn me around only to widen my eyes.

"Now, you know it's me, the playboy, right?"

"What are you doing here, Vaxius?"

This Time, I'll Find My Own Happiness [HIATUS]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz