Filler Chapter

570 9 0

The AUs
🌟Hero Katsuki
🌟 Paramedic Izuku
🌟Villian attack(ish?) scenario
🌟Injured(ishh???) Katsuki

No pov.

"Ugh Jesus.." Katsuki muttered as Izuku dabbed slowly onto his not so small wounds, how did he get here? i hear you ask.

Well, you see, Katsuki is a pro hero, while his "friend" Izuku is a Paramedic, a doctor. They've always been an iconic duo, breaking the internet sometimes, but this time, there was a villian attack, Katsuki ran towards the place, yes he rescued everyone from the falling debris, but he didn't notice a little girl standing somewhere in the corner, just when she caught his eye, he ran towards her, not caring about the falling building above them, he quickly grabbed the girl who was now sobbing, and ran towards where everyone was, they all were cheering him on, but just as he was about the reach one of the pillars gave up, he threw the girl to the crowd of people who were ready to hold her. The the debris fell almost all over him, he tried his best to sheild himself but he couldn't, his arms were "slightly" (in his words) injured while his leg was bleeding really badly he limped towards the ambulance where a stretcher was waiting for him.

And now here he is.

"You really should be careful kachaan, bringing others safety in front of yours is a good thing, but you should understand that it's not always supposed to be like that."
"But-" Katsuki tried to defend himself.
"No buts kachaan, now look how injured you are," Izuku sighed "you could've broken your arm you know?"

Katsuki sighed, he can't complain now can he? Izuku softly chuckled and shook his head,
"You weren't always this stubborn you know kachaan?"

Katsuki slowly glew a faint shade of red as Izuku stated that,
"Shut it Izuku, I was different back then"

Izuku grinned before adding,
"Oh were you~?"
Katsuki muttered something Izuku couldn't hear as he shook his head,
"Are you done?" Katsuki questioned as he grew impatient. He's always been impatient, and Izuku knew that. "Have some patience, Katsuki" he says as he delicately wrapped bandages around Katsuki's arm.


Katsuki groaned as he couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in, his arms got in the way. Ugh, irritating.
He tossed and turned, tossed and turned, tossed and turned.

At last, he gave up and just got up, he looked around to see if anyone's there and ran to Izuku's room, not even knocking the door, he walks in

Izuku is on the couch, yawning.
"Kachaan it's late what's going o-" before he can finish his sentence Katsuki walks towards him and wraps his arms around the green haired dude. Izuku smiles as he hugs him back,
"You can't sleep?" Katsuki slowly nods, his eyes drooping, "okay, we'll get you to sleep" Izuku says softly, he loved this version of Katsuki. He really does.


"Izuku I can't find my converse have you seen them?" Katsuki asks as he goes into Izuku's closet, litterally hunting for his shoes.

Izuku comes out of the shower, only his towel wrapped around his waist, damp hair. "I don't think I've seen it Kat" he says walking in to the closet

"Holy shi-" Katsuki mutters as he stares at the man in front of him. (Holy shit indeed.)

The end.

Idk what this is, hope you liked this. Uh and yeah, I'm not gonna be really active on here but yeah idkidk I just need words of motivation tbh 😒 ANYWAY pls drink water love, you need it.
(Also I'm having a HORRIBLE pimple/acne problem rn I need my online elder sis to HELP me ty <3

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