“Then you could've been damaged, I wouldn't want that.” I shook my head.

If Caesar got damaged, then he'd have to be repaired, and I didn't want to spend a day without him. I relied on Caesar a lot, especially at work.

“I don't care if I get damaged, I'm very hard to kill, anyway. I only care about you,” Caesar replied.

“Well, I care. I couldn't live without you, you help me so much,” I said.

“I'm not planning on dying, don't worry.”

“Good, you're staying with me for the rest of my life.”

“I will.” He nodded.

Caesar seemed different to normal, he was using words like kill and dying — robots rarely referred to themselves in that way. He'd also talked about feeling bad, but he'd never talked about feeling anything before.

“I've been thinking, you work with me, but you don't get paid. I don't think that's fair. I could split what I earn with you, and give you one of my cards, then you can buy whatever you want,” I said.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I think it's fair, especially when you help me so much.”

“Thank you, that's very kind of you.” Caesar smiled.

“What's the first thing you'll buy?”

“Tickets for us to go on the movie studio tour. It'll be fun for us, and I'm hoping it'll make up for me hurting you,” he replied.

“You don't need to make up for that, but I think that's a great idea.” I smiled.

“Great, I'll buy them once I get the money.”

“Couldn't you just buy them now? I thought you had access to things like that?” I frowned.

“Oh, I do. But it won't feel like I'm buying them unless I'm using the account that you're giving to me.”

“Ah, I get it.”

Once we got home, I transferred some money, and Caesar bought the tickets for us. I felt better knowing that he was being paid for the work that he was doing, even if it was coming out of my salary.


Caesar and I went to the Warner Bros studio, and it was a large grey building, my heart was racing from excitement — I'd always wanted to go on a tour of a movie set. We went inside and there were security scanners, like at the airport. I found it very strange because I'd never gone through anything like it outside of an airport.

I walked forward, and I wasn't really sure what to do. I put my bag in the tray.

“Do you have anything in your pockets?” The security guard asked.

“Uh, let me check.” I put my hands in my pockets, and there was a pen in my jacket. “Oh, I have a pen.” I took it out and put it on the tray.

“Could you put your jacket in as well?”

“Oh, sure,” I replied, then took off my jacket and put it on the tray. “Sorry, what do I do now?” I frowned.

“You can walk through,” he replied.

“Thanks.” I walked through and the beeper didn't go off.

I didn't know how Caesar would get past, since his body was metal, we'd just have to explain that he was a robot. I collected my things, then Caesar came through and there were loud beeps.

“He's my robot,” I said.

“Ah, yes, I can see that now. You two can go ahead,” the security guard replied.

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