378 - When Society Shunned Her

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Note: This is the third part of the spree this weekend!

Please read the last few parts, because each part has important information about the plot. 

I do want to post more, so if I see you're interested I'll write more chapters for you this week. I'm so excited for the upcoming events to unfold. There's a lot I want you to see!

Also please press star on the parts of the spree, and comment too. They're the most motivating things for me. 💜Thank you. ⭐


When Bondita had left yesterday, Anirudh had crumbled to the ground, tears flowing down his cheeks. 

Her words, that she would forget his face ever existed... they struck his heart and hurt him more deeply than anything else. The idea that his Bondita wouldn't look at him anymore, that she wouldn't come near him anymore, and she wouldn't give him attention anymore... that thought killed him. 

But he was also proud of her. Proud that she decided to take the right steps... 

"You call me your Bhagwan Bondita, but I'm just a man," Anirudh sobbed. "When all this is over, I wanted to bring you back home. I wanted to bring you back to this haveli. That's one of the reasons I tried desperately to keep this away from you... but... now will it even be possible to have you back? Will it ever be possible for me to be your beloved Pati Babu again?"

He had squeezed his eyes shut and slept in the study that night - as usual, but this time, he had crashed on the floor. 

That morning, Saudamini had come into the study, concerned. 

She saw him lying down helplessly on the floor, his eyes swollen. 

"Anirudh!" she had yelled, running over to him. 

Anirudh sat up and looked away from her, not wanting to even see her. 

"I didn't bother you yesterday because I thought you were busy! But what happened? Why're you sleeping on the floor?" she asked, sounding concerned and getting down on her knees too.

"I didn't even realize... I was tired..." he mumbled. 

Saudamini touched his shoulder and said, "You don't even let me near you... you look so stressed. As your wife, it's my duty to be there for you Anirudh. You don't have to go through these things alone." 

She sighed and inwardly thought, if only we go to London, then you won't be sleeping on the floor like this! We can enjoy our lives there! Look at what all these fitoori things have done to you, Anirudh!

"I'm not going through things alone. It's part of the job Mini. I'm a barrister," Anirudh said, and gently moved her hand off his shoulder. He stood up and started to make his way out of the study in order to evade her. 

Saudamini got up too and grabbed his arm. 

"You haven't spent a day properly with me!" she said, pouting. "I seriously think we got into a fight Anirudh. Why are you so cold towards me?"

Anirudh turned to look at her and said, "I'm not cold Mini. I'm just busy." 

"So busy that you can't spend some time with your wife?"

Whenever she called herself his wife, he inwardly cringed. 

"You don't let me come near you! You're acting like you don't have feelings for me anymore! Anirudh, the last thing I remember is you were so enamoured by me!" 

"Enamoured?" Anirudh then asked, frowning, as he glanced at her. "Those things are for teenagers Mini. I was young then."

Saudamini blinked a couple of times and said, "Well, does that mean you don't feel anything anymore? Because I do! And I'm not that young now either!"

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