Chapter 31: The Way of the Dragon

Start from the beginning

Ryuma: Great Sage, (gestures Taiyo) this boy wishes to take the Trial of Dragons

Dragon Sage: Hmmmmm...come closer, little boy

Taiyo approaches the humongous dragon.

Dragon Sage: Why do wish to take the trial?

Taiyo: I wish to access more power in order to stop the war and save the entire world

Dragon Sage: You do provide a good reason, but it is you or the other one guiding your actions?

Taiyo: (Confused) Other one? Who's the other one?

Dragon Sage: So you still don't know, tell me, have you ever sensed another presence clinging onto you?

Taiyo: Now that you mention, I guess I've always felt something clinging to me

Dragon Sage: Do you know who or what is clinging to you?

Taiyo shakes his head no.

Dragon Sage: I believe I have to leave it to him to tell you

Taiyo: Who?

Dragon Sage: You'll find out soon enough.....In that case, I grant you access to take the Trial of Dragons

Taiyo: (Pumps his fist) Sweet!

Dragon Sage: Hold your cheers, young one. First, you must know that you will have to climb the highest mountain. Second, you will carry a flame of my creation along with you. Third, you will receive no help from the other dragons. Do you think you have what it takes?

Taiyo: (Thinks about it and looks up) I do

Dragon Sage: Very well. Now, hold out your hand?

The teen did what he was told and held out his left hand, the old dragon blew a small fire into Taiyo's hand.

Dragon Sage: That is the flame you must carry to the top of the mountain. I wish you the best of luck, many have tried and failed

Taiyo: I'll succeed!

Dragon Sage: Then go, Taiyo Ryujin! Go and claim your birthright!

Taiyo: Right!

The teen left the temple and walked back out, where he saw Ryuma waiting for him.

Ryuma: (Sees the flame) Good luck out there, my boy

Taiyo: I won't let you down, Ryuma

He departed from the dragon and looked towards the tallest mountain.

Taiyo: (Smirks) Let's do this!

He started running towards the large mountain, careful not to make the flame go out.

The journey started out well, but soon turned very treacherous because of thinning air and jagged rocks. Taiyo's looking worse for wear, his clothes were ripped and scratches were on some parts of his body.

Taiyo: (Panting) Damn it, why did I agree to this!?

He soon came upon the dreaded mountain.

Taiyo: (Looks at the flame in his hand) How the hell am I gonna do this?

He soon remembered how Kakashi climbs with one hand, he puts one of his hands behind his back, so Taiyo put his left hand behind his back and grabbed onto the the mountain with his right. The teen makes good progress up the mountain and was almost at the top, he soon reached the top of the mountain and his right arm felt very sore. Taiyo stood up on his feet and looked around, waiting for a sign.

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