Chapter 25: The Truth of Pain and the Heroes of the Vilage

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The battle was long and hard, but Taiyo and Naruto managed to defeat the tyrannical Pain. The two teens were hurt and exhausted, but they were happy they won the fight.

Taiyo: (Panting) Well that was fun

Naruto: (Panting) You said it

Taiyo: Can you use Sage Mode to track down the real Pain?

Naruto: (Confused) How'd you know it could do that?

Taiyo: (Smirks) I'm knowledgeable

Naruto: (Smiles) You're in luck because while we were captured, I managed to track the chakra of Pain from the black rods

Taiyo: Great, so where to?

Naruto: (Points out of the village) That way

Taiyo: Then what are we waiting for, let's go 'em!

Naruto: Alright!

The two went off in the direction where Naruto sensed the chakra, they ended up in a forest where they came upon a tree.

Naruto: This is spot

Taiyo walked up the tree and cocked his fist back, with a strong punch, he destroyed the opening of the tree.

Taiyo: (Walks in) So this is where the party is happening

Inside the dark room were two people; a red haired man strapped up to a machine of some sort and blue haired woman with the standard Akatsuki cloak.

Naruto: (Walks in as well) So you're the real Pain?!

Red Haired Man: Yes, that is right. My name is Nagato, it's a pleasure to meet you, Taiyo Shinjuka and Naruto Uzumaki. (Looks at woman) This is my associate, Konan

Taiyo: (Angry) Let me ask you this, why did you destroy the village?!

Naruto: (Enraged) And we also want to know why you are the way you are? (Growls) I wanna kill you so bad right now, so you better answer the question!

Nagato: You too still haven't answered my question, but I suppose I can enlighten you about why I am doing this. You see years ago when I was still a young boy, my parents were killed by an unknown ninja, that traumatic experience caused me to awaken the Rinnegan you see in my eyes. For the next few years I was lonely, that was until I found two orphans like me, Konan and Yahiko, the main Pain you fought. We were the best of friends, but the Second Great Shinobi War took many lives and homes, there was hardly any food and there were enemies everywhere. Our dog, Chibi, was killed in the resulting battle between the Sannin and Hanzo the Salamander, Yahiko approached Jiraiya-Sensei and asked him to train us so we knew how to defend ourselves in the war torn place. You see, Yahiko wanted to become a god in this world and stop the pain from ever happening and Jiraiya-Sensei was the answer to his solution, Jiraiya-Sensei stayed with for a few years and taught us various forms of jutsu to defend ourselves. One night while training, I used the power of my Rinnegan and Jiraiya-Sensei told me that a "messiah" would come and save the world, he told that this "messiah" was known as the Sage of Six Paths and it was my duty to bring peace in the world because I was the reincarnation of the Sage himself. Jiraiya-Sensei soon left us on our own and we started a group called the Akatsuki and we went around protecting innocent people from harm. Our group grew in size and in fame so much that Hanzo approached us to join hands with him, but it was all plot to kill us, he was joined by Leaf Anbu that surrounded us. Yahiko died that day and I lost control, I killed everyone around me, including Hanzo. I soon took over the Rain village and became it's god, so you know about why I am like this. I like to know your answers now

Taiyo: (Amazed) Wow, that was some heavy stuff. I feel for you, I honestly wish things were different for you

Naruto: Yeah, the Pervy Sage believed in you, so we will believe in you as well

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