Chapter 23: Meeting A Legend

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It's been a day since Naruto left with the old toad to train in the ways of Sage Mode, Taiyo was now packing his things for a little training trip of his own. The teen needs to master Solar State so that he wouldn't lose control, he finished packing his things and headed out the door.

Kakashi: Going somewhere?

Taiyo: I need to master Solar State if I am to fight Pain without losing control

Kakashi: I see, so are you going back the Ryujin clan

Taiyo: Yeah, if I am to connect with my predecessors than I need to go their clan home

Kakashi: Alrighty, I'll watch Kazu for you

Taiyo: Thank you, Kakashi. I'll see you in a couple days (he left the house)

The name that Kakashi mentioned, Kazu, is a pet toad that Jiraiya had left Taiyo to take care of. Taiyo walked to the village gates, but was stopped by a certain someone.

Ino: (Annoyed) And just where are you going?

Taiyo: (Calm) I'm just leaving for a couple days to go on a small training trip

Ino: (Crosses her arms) So you weren't gonna tell me?

Taiyo: Well you're here now

Ino: Don't try to dodge the question

Taiyo: (Rubs his face) There's just been a lot on my mind lately and I didn't want to you to worry about me

Ino: (Walks up to him) Taiyo I always worry about you and if you left without telling me, that would make me worry more

Taiyo: (Frowns) You're right, I'm sorry for not telling

Ino: (Kisses him) Apology accepted, now be safe and don't hurt yourself

Taiyo: (Chuckles) No promises, I'll see you later

Ino: See you, babe

The two hug and Taiyo proceeds on his way.

It took Taiyo just four hours to get to the clan because of his Solar Speed, he had gotten so much faster since his return to the village. He arrived at the abandoned village and pressed his hand against the door, it opened and he walked in. He used his Sun Bending to light up to the dark room, he put his things on the floor and sat on the pedestal to meditate.

(In the void)
Taiyo opened his eyes to see the dark void around him, he saw the familiar light and the man approaching. Taiyo was really confused because it wasn't his father who appeared, but another man.

Mysterious Man: Hello there, young Taiyo

Taiyo: Who are you?

Mysterious Man: My name is Satoshi Ryujin and I'm the predecessor before you

Taiyo: You're the legendary Satoshi Ryujin, the one who could rival Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha?!

Satoshi: (Chuckles) Yes, my dear boy

Taiyo: So why am I seeing you and not my father?

Satoshi: You've finally reached the level of power to meet me, your father was your starting point and you need to get the end point to meet progenitor

Taiyo: Who's that?

Satoshi: The progenitor was the one who started the Ryujin bloodline and first one to use Solar Style

Taiyo: Wow that's really cool. So are you gonna be the one to train me in mastering Solar State

Satoshi: That is correct, I am going to teach you how to activate Solar State and control it at will

Taiyo: (Excited) Seriously?

Satoshi: (Smiles) Seriously

Taiyo: I just have one question, what has been happening with Solar State lately? It almost felt like another person was controlling my body

Satoshi: That is the reason you must master Solar State, if you let it control more than you will lose access to your body and he will take over

Taiyo: (Confused) Who's he?

Satoshi: I mustn't say anymore. Now, let us move on to master Solar State

Taiyo: (Determined) Let's do this!

Satoshi: First, I need to know that you are ready. Close your eyes, young one

Taiyo closes his eyes and starts to feel energy around him.

Satoshi: Are you ready?

Taiyo: (Open his eyes) I'm ready

When Taiyo opened his eyes they were glowing as the power of Solar State flooded through him

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When Taiyo opened his eyes they were glowing as the power of Solar State flooded through him.

Satoshi: What do you feel?

Taiyo: (Calm) I feel positive and negative energy surrounding me

Satoshi: Explain it to me

Taiyo: I feel positive energy from the nature, the animals, and the air. I feel the negative energy from the killing, the hatred, and the pain

Satoshi: Good, very good. Now, you must combine the those energies together

Taiyo: Why?

Satoshi: The positive and negative energy are the same yet very different, just like the Yin and Yang. One cannot live without the other, Solar State is the balance of those two energies and that is why you gain so much power from using it

Taiyo: I think I understand, alright let's do this

The teen cleared his mind to focus the two energies and combine them together, he saw a blue dot and a red dot appear in front of him. He focuses even more and the two dots start moving closer and closer to each other, the two dots started to merge together and it created a white dot that grew bigger and bigger.

Satoshi: How do you feel?

Taiyo: Everything is so clear, almost like I could tell you events from the past and future

Satoshi: That is exactly what you needed to do

Taiyo: So did I master Solar State?!

Satoshi: No, you must activate yourself and when you do, you'll be in control this time

Taiyo: Wow, thanks so much Satoshi! (He feels something) Woah, what the hell is that?!

Satoshi: You must leave now, something is happening at your village

Taiyo: Right!

(Back in the real world)
Taiyo opens his eyes with alarm and feels a mass amount of chakra at the village.

Taiyo: (Determined) I've got to get back the village now!

Taiyo left the clan temple and went back towards the Leaf Village, without realizing days have already passed.

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter
Taiyo has almost finally mastered Solar State
I'm pretty sure you know what the next chapter will be
See you next time!

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