I Wish You Would

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*Brinley's POV*

I don't know what just happened. When I saw Spot staring at me in sixth hour, I didn't like the way his eyes were full of regret. So, I escaped. I didn't expect him to follow me. I didn't expect for him to hear me singing that song about him. I didn't expect for me to see him and continue singing that song while staring right into his eyes. I didn't expect to make that low dig about the kiss at him. But I did, and now it's time for rehearsal. 

Luckily, Mrs. Baker has Spot spend most of the time learning choreography for songs. Since Benny is in a lot more song scenes than Nina, Spot has a lot of dances to learn that I'm not in. So, I spend the time running lines with Skittery, like I've been doing. Occasionally, I'll glance up at Spot, and sometimes I find him looking back at me.

I just wish he would tell me what he actually feels. As I think about that, a new song starts playing on my earbud that I put in a while ago. Apparently, my playlist just knows the perfect songs to play at the perfect moments.

I wish you would come back
Wish I never hung up the phone like I did
I wish you knew that I'd never forget you as long as I live
And I wish you were right here, right now, it's all good
I wish you would

Rehearsal ends before Spot has the chance to start rehearsing with me. I leave the auditorium quickly before I can get cornered by him. I wait at Race's truck for almost five minutes until he comes out, the boys and Faith following him. The boys say their goodbyes and go to their respective cars, but Faith lingers behind with Race. They talk for a few moments and then Race hugs her. When they walk away from each other, they're both smiling. Oh, the wonders of love.

I wake up to the sound of a big truck passing by the house. Usually, cars passing by don't wake me, but I can't seem to stay asleep tonight. I sigh and roll over, looking at my clock. It's 2:30 AM. Car headlights shine through my window, lightening my window. The song from earlier pops up in my head again, because songs are my worst distractions when it comes to sleep.

It's 2 AM in my room
Headlights pass the window pane, I think of you
We're a crooked love in a straight line down
Makes you wanna run and hide
But it makes you turn right back around

I wish you would come back
Wish I never hung up the phone like I did
I wish you knew that I'd never forget you as long as I live
And I wish you were right here, right now, it's all good
I wish you would

I wish we could go back
And remember what we were fighting for
And I wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore
And I wish you were right here, right now, it's all good
I wish you would

More light fills my room, but I realize it's from my phone. I frown, because no one ever texts me in the middle of the night. I roll over again and grab my phone from my nightstand. It's an unknown number, but I click on the message anyway.

Hey. It's Spot. Got your number from Mush after rehearsal, and I've been debating texting you all day. I know you're probably asleep and you might still hate me, but I think we should talk sometime tomorrow. I think we both have some things to explain.

I read the text message maybe ten times. He really wants to talk to me. After ignoring me for a few days, he suddenly wants to make a reappearance. But how could I say no when I was literally just wishing for him to come back? So, I respond and say yes before turning off my phone and rolling back over.

I guess I'm really doing this.

Spot and I don't get to see each other until sixth hour. I get into class earlier than most people, so I'm already sitting at a table by the time Spot walks in.

He comes up right behind me and whispers, "Let's go towards the back."

Study hall is held in the library, so Spot and I head towards the back section. Some gross people come back here to make out, but I guess this is where Spot and I are talking.

We sit on the floor, our backs against the bookshelf. We sit in a somewhat awkward silence for a few moments until Spot takes a deep breath.

"Ok, I guess I'll start," he says. He turns his head to look at me. "I'm sorry, Brinley. Like deeply sorry. I know I was being a dick. And I've hated myself for being one every minute. It's just..." he pauses and sighs before continuing. "It's just, I've always been so involved with football, because it's my passion and the only way I can get to college is with a scholarship. I've never had time for friends or girls. But since I started hanging out with Mush and your friend group, I've been a lot happier. It's nice to think about something other than football every once in a while. And though Mush and the other guys are awesome, there's just something about you, Brinley. You're funny, sweet, and every other unoriginal verb out there that people use for apologies. You're great, I guess is what I mean to say. I don't know how else to show that. And your singing voice is so pretty. Rehearsing with you is awesome. I started feeling these new feelings for you, ones that I've never felt before. When I kissed you, they only multiplied by ten. I didn't know how to handle all the feelings. So, I pushed them down. I used Jade as a distraction, to get my mind off you. But it's hard to get my mind off you, Brinley, especially when you show up to school in my sweatshirt looking hotter than ever. I haven't stopped thinking about the kiss since it's happened. I thought involving myself with girls would make football harder, but ignoring them, especially you, messes up my mind. So, I needed to get this all of my chest today, before the game, so I can clear my mind. I truly am sorry for being so rude to you, Brinley. It's okay if you can't forgive me though."

I pause for a moment, letting his words sink in. It isn't until Spot starts getting nervous and fidgeting that I speak. "I accept your apology, Spot. It's just that, you knew I really liked you, and when you kissed me, I thought it meant something to you too. So, when you blew me off, it made me think that there really was nothing there, and you thought I was just some crazy obsessive girl. I only wore your sweatshirt because I wanted you to notice me."

"I noticed you every single day," Spot says quietly. "I really like you, Brinley. I do."

"I really like you too, Spot," I say, smiling at him.

He smiles back. "So, can I kiss you? As our first official kiss?"

I pause again, thinking about what this is really going to mean. I think one last time about the song before making my decision.

2 AM, here we are
See your face, hear my voice in the dark
We're a crooked love in a straight line down
Makes you wanna run and hide
But it made us turn right back around

"Yes. You can kiss me."

And then his lips are on mine. This kiss is filled with so much passion, that in the moment, not a single part of me believes that it doesn't mean anything. Because it really means everything.

I guess some wishes really do come true.

*A/N: guyssssssss I had two volleyball games this week, and WE WON BOTH!!!!!! It's awesome because we haven't won since our first game of the season, so it was super exciting! Our coach is buying us pizza and breadsticks now hehe*

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