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Chapter 48

As consciousness slowly ebbed back into my senses, I became aware of the sensation of softness beneath me, cradling me in an embrace of comfort. My eyes flickered open, struggling to adjust to the dim, ambient light that danced on the walls like ghostly whispers. The room that surrounded me was a symphony of Gothic opulence, a tapestry of intricately carved wood and cold, smooth stone.

Blinking away the remnants of slumber, my gaze darted around, taking in the elaborate details that adorned the chamber. Heavy draperies hung like sentinels, guarding the tall windows, their patterns shrouded in darkness. The air held a distinct, musty scent, mingling with the fragrance of aged wood. Every piece of furniture was an intricate work of art, carved from dark, ornate wood and adorned with stone accents. The dimly lit room offered little solace as I tried to make sense of my predicament. The muted, flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the plush, crimson walls. It was as if I had been transported to another era.

Panic began to pulse through my veins as I realized that I was chained to the pillar of the bed. My fingers trembled as they explored the metal, seeking any sign of weakness or escape.

A sudden chill danced across my bare arms, and it was then that I realized my clothes had been changed. My leggings and sweater were gone and replaced with a silk black nightgown, its dark tendrils clinging to my body.

With every heartbeat, the room seemed to close in, the rock walls leaning closer, taunting me with. My breaths quickened, a desperate rhythm in the stillness of the room. I strained against my restraints, each movement sending echoes of clinking chains into the silent chamber.

Desperation and determination welled up within me, urging me to break free. The wood groaned beneath my weight as I struggled, the stone walls indifferent to my plight.

In the midst of this unsettling tableau, I knew one thing for certain – I needed to escape. My eyes scanned for any sign of a key, a hidden mechanism, anything that might offer a glimmer of hope.

But that hope quickly died when I saw two black snakes slither up the bed and wrapped themselves around my legs. Their tongues waggled back and forth as their fangs protruded ready to bite.

I couldn't help but scream and scream knowing no one could help me.

"You'll only excite them the more you scream. They're used to it", A man said with a deep voice who just appeared out of nowhere next to me. He was a pale man with dark hair, and snake like yellow eyes. He was dressed in a black suit the kind I only saw at funerals. All of his teeth were sharp like canines and I hated the way his eyes just raked over my body.

"Who are you are?!"

"A very lucky prince of hell", The man snapped his fingers and the snakes made my legs open wider than they were used to. My heart was pounding and my chest as the man took his hand and ran it from my knee all the way up my body he grabbed my neck and squeezed hard,"Mephistopheles, wanted you. But a win is a win".

I had to think quick and fast.

"How can he win anything? When we still had a game to play?"

"You're already in Hell there is no game to play", he grinned didn't go of my face as he patted my cheek.

"Who are you?"

"Azazel, I am a prince of hell. And your new owner".

"Fat fucking chance!"

"Do you think you could stop me if I wanted to take you? That's adorable, relic".

"Mephistopheles made a deal. I'm sure you don't want to deal with an army of angels. We were going to play the game, I was going to choose Little Red Riding Hood. You know Heaven is not just going to let me go".

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