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Harry sighed as he laid in his bed in the Dursley's house. He wanted to be anywhere than here. He just wanted to be away from these people. He hated every moment he spent here. They made his life hell on earth.

Lady magic floated around in her realm. She sighed as she saw how the magic was slowly dying out. Since they didn't do any of their traditions their magic became more weak.

She pitied them for she was their creator and they had a piece of her heart. But there was one being that stood out and that was Harry Potter. He had suffered at the hands of both magical and nonmagical. She wanted to take him far away from all this pain. Then she remembered the island she created when she was created.

She snapped her fingers and Harry became unconscious. She snapped her finger again to change his body she made him more feminine. She also snapped his cock into a cocklet with his balls retreating into the cunt. His hair grew out and lay in fluffy waves against his back. His tan skin glowed his lashes became thicker. His thighs are fatter and his pecs softer.

She snapped her fingers again and she and Harry were on an island she sat beside the unconscious teen. When he came too she was gently playing with his fluffy curls.

" Did you have a nice rest ?" Asked Lady Magic and Harry felt his eyes widen when he saw the being.

" Y..yes what's happening ?" 

" You had wished to be far away from the place that brought you pain. Now you are on an enchanted island that no one can find not on any map or through magic YYou'resafe " said Lady Magic as she stood up and helped Harry stand up. They walked along the beach.

" But there are dangers this island was created while I was young there are magical creatures and entities on this large island some good some full of distance and hatred," said Lady Magic as she turned to Harry.

" Well if I'm going to be living here I need a few things if you do not mind "

"Everything you may need on the island will be provided as well as your magic," said Lady Magic, and Harry looked around in wonder before saying.

" I need to steal pots and pans," said Harry as he knew he wanted to stay on this island it had what he yearned for most peace. Tranquillity is the thing that he never got as the boy who lived.

Lady Magic snapped her fingers and a bag containing those things appeared. Harry smiled as he without knowing wandlessly spelled the bag smaller.

" Along with clothes, I can't make clothes that well. "

" Done "

Another bag appeared and Harry again shrunk it. They walked through the forest before Lady Magic kissed Harry on the head before saying.

" My child be happy you are free from your restraints and love and you shall be loved," said Lady Magic as she disappeared. Harry felt her magic wrap around him like a warm blanket.

He kept his eyes closed as he listened to his surroundings. He walked around the forest looking for a nice place to build his house. He saw a nice tree it was large and hollow. He used a cutting Curse and saw that this tree was hollow below but had wood at the top. He used the Cutting curse after cutting the curse making stairs as he went from level to level. When he reached the top where the bra was he created a chimney.

He walked down the stairs to the second last floor which he decided would be his kitchen since the chimney was on top. He transfixed the excess wood into cabinets attaching them to the wall. Above where the stone stove would come. He sighed as he made a table as a sink he needed to make a water tank. He sighed as he made the sink bowl. Just to be creative he made a dish rack.

He moved down. to the following floor. It would be his bedroom. Again he used the excess wood to make a bedframe. He made a cabinet and placed his clothes into it. He made a bedside table with drawers. He made a small chair and transfigured himself into a mirror. Placing it against the small table he made sticking them to the wall.  He enlarged the room to make a bathroom. He made a tub and a magical toilet.

Harry walked to the last floor. In the living room, he made a couch with wood and then a coffee table.

He walked down the stairs to see what he could use in Nature. He first made himself a neat door with a peephole.

He walked into the forest and saw some bamboo. He used a cutting hex and gathered the fallen things. He shrunk them and added them to a bag he transfigured from a piece of cloth. He walked deeper and found more things like large bodies of moss which he could use as a matress.  He made sure there weren't any bugs or anything.  He found some things like basil, chili, potatoes, onions, coconuts, and bananas along with mangoes.

He didn't know how the vegetables came to be but this was Lady Magic Island anything could be here. He sighed as he walked back to his home. When he got back he used some of the bamboo for the tub and others for making things like glasses. He used most of the moss for the bed and the other for the couch and pillows. He covered them each with a pillowcase he transfigured from the fabric of his shirt. He made a blanket as well.

He sighed as he felt sweaty and dirty he went to his tub and said a spell making water rise to the top. He sighed as he used a spell to heat the water and got in as he had his body clean. When he got out he did a quick spell to dry off his body before walking out of the bathroom and to his cabinet as he took out his clothes. He pulled out a light pink set.

" What is the name of Merlin's sticky balls" said Harry softly as what he thought were pants were a soft material like a skirt. He heard a soft giggle in his head and he knew it was her.

" Was this necessary "

" Absolutely " he heard Lady Magic reply with a giggle. 

" I guess wait why does it feel like I'm missing something?" Asked Harry as he stood up straight and looked down.

"Merlin's balls my balls are gone !" Yelled Harry as he stared at the cunt and cocklet. Lady Magic burst out laughing.

He sighed as he tried to calm himself before wearing the skirt and what seemed to be a top it was like a bralette. It was a soft pink. Harry then noticed the skirt had underwear attached to it.

He walked out to his kitchen and placed the food on the table he cast a preservation spell and sighed as he sat in one of the chairs.

This was the island where he would be living maybe it won't be that bad.


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