Special chapter - Prank Wars Part. 1

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"The time for revenge is finally upon us. And we shall face this impending threat with absolute splendour and stand victorious on the battlefield. We fight for honour. For our families. For mankind. And we shall win for them – for those souls that cannot fend for themselves –so that they can experience another tomorrow. Will you follow me into this war?" [Name] spoke. No, not spoke – but vowed. A promise greater than the heaviest of mountains and deepest of seas. A promise that possessed the flame to light the darkest of nights and lead those lost in that void of absolute darkness. Today, was just the beginning.

"Is she still going?" Leonidas groaned heavily from his chair, his wrists straining against the rope of his tied hands. "Did you really have to tie me to a chair?"

[Name] stopped her speech, not pleased with how he had so rudely interrupted her. Again. "Maybe if your brain functioned properly, you wouldn't have made the stupid decision of trying to leave in the first place." Leonidas rolled his eyes but remained bound to the chair, refraining from tearing the rope in fear that she would just tie him up again.

The scary woman before the humans had requested their presence in the dining hall to discuss an important matter, luring them to the vicinity with personal letters sent to their respective rooms. And all had come, to be met by an ecstatic [Name] advocating to participate in a prank war of sorts. Leonidas, completely uninterested, had tried to return to his room, only to have a chalkboard eraser thrown at the nape of his neck, rendering him paralyzed for a couple of minutes. Minutes in which she had tied him up to the nearest chair while cursing his name. The others had not dared to move afterward.

"If she only put in half the effort to win Ragnarok..." Nehemia mumbled, still not fully understanding why she had dragged her into this certain disaster. The princess rested her head on her hand, and huffed a sigh, already feeling how her legs were starting to grow numb.

"Wait, a sec," Michel said, only to obediently shut his mouth from the way [Name] levelled a vicious gaze at him. Raiden raised his hand.

"Can I ask a question?"

[Name] tilted her chin in a nod. "Go on."

Michel shot up from his chair, making its legs scrape against the marble floor as it shot back a few inches. "Hey, why can he talk, but not me?"

[Name] massaged her temples, trying her best to restrain herself from hitting one more einherjar. "Because you're the family's black sheep and no one can stand you." She could almost swear that she saw Adam heave a heavy sigh from the corner of her eye. The poor man was so sick of the Twig. The queen returned her attention to the giant. "Yes, Raiden you may continue."

"What are we supposed to do now again?"

Her eye twitched and she contemplated throwing the chair Michel had sat on at Raiden then and there. To calm her nerves, [Name] took a deep breath and let her gaze wander around the room.

"Could someone kindly summarize what I have said until now?" No answer. All she was met with were empty stares and annoyingly contagious yawns. "How did none of you hear what I said?"

Michel stretched his arms over his head. "I've been zoned out for the past hour."

Raiden's mouth parted in a yawn before he too, shared his unwanted opinion. "And I got distracted halfway through.

Leonidas snickered from his seat, obviously trying to get himself killed. "Ignoring you was a conscious decision."

[Name] let out a low chuckle. "And cutting your tongue off will also be a conscious decision of mine." A glaring contest began between the two royals, neither willing to yield under the intense stare of their rival. That is, until the sound of someone clearing their throat caught their attention.

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