Chapter 18 - Pleased to be human

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She could almost sense the frown on Poseidon's face, along with his growing agitation. Perhaps, angering the capricious god would prove to be a regretful mistake. Her strong conviction in her skills made her believe that she could still fight the god even in her weakened state - but to haughtily think that she would make it out alive without a single scratch on her body was pure insanity.

The sound of water moving and drops splashing from behind had encouraged her to tilt her head the slightest bit to the side. Her eyes were met with seaweed-coloured boots, with designs similar to those of ancient ruins in the ocean depths, waddling into the lake, displaying no trepidation upon entering the dark, freezing waters. It did not take long before the owner of the boots stood before her, his feet almost touching hers. She curled her toes in response to his proximity, finally realizing that she had been barefoot this entire time, almost feeling the blisters and cuts on her soles with each movement.

No longer being able to bask in the moonlight thanks to the shadow looming over her, she decided to look at the man instead. His olden-blonde hair appeared darker at night, along with the rest of his tall, muscular frame, making his features hard to read. Not that it was needed when he constantly wore the same apathetic expression on his face. [Name] could sense his eyes lingering on the simple, white gown that clung to her body and the drenched bandages that had loosened from her fall.

She attempted to smirk at him but only managed to tug her lips into a faint smile. "Like what you see?" she cooed.

He looked beyond revolted at her words. "As if there is anything desirable with a mortal," he replied disgustingly. Rude. She rolled her eyes up to the sky, as she stiffened a yawn. He once again looked at her, but this time not at her clothes, but skin.

"You are white as a ghost."

She raised her eyebrow at his oddly talkative behaviour. "So are you."

"My complexion is like this naturally," Poseidon replied with bored detachment, his stature still hovering over her almost as if trying to enforce the power dynamics between them. Of all the people she could have encountered after her dream of Arobynn, it had to be this prick.

He continued, "Yours on the other hand is worse than usual. Hypothermia still exists even here in Valhalla, mortal." His expression remained indifferent, but he was definitely more chatty than usual. Perhaps, it was the presence of the water that had made him so loquacious.

"Is that worry I detect, Sea Boy?" she jested while shifting her stance, rolling her wrists to work out the stiff kinks of her muscles while keeping yet another yawn at bay. Apparently, her involuntary nap from earlier had done next to nothing to replenish her stamina.

"Try, marvelling over yet another mortal's stupidity." Poseidon's crisp voice had a tingle of humour to it, resulting in a near-silent chuckle escaping her mouth at the thought that this was the closest thing he'd ever make to a joke.

"That I cannot disagree with."

Her blithe reaction had made his eyes widen, not quite comprehending why she had not insulted him back like she would have done if the Sun God was in her presence. Poseidon focused his attention on her face, more specifically the heaviness of her half-lidded eyes. Was her more placid behaviour a result of her tiredness?

Unwittingly, he had spoken out loud. "You are so incredibly human." The white moon reflected how her eyes glinted in surprise, as she leaned her body forward, almost supporting all her weight on her hands while being on her knees.

"What?" she breathed. "Again. Say that again."

Completely taken aback by her words, he stood still. Normally, he would dismiss the words of a mortal, but he saw no harm in fulfilling this particularly easy request. "You are human. Weak, just like a human." This should have made her spiral considering the nightmare she had just moments ago. [Name] clutched the white fabric of her dress where her heart was.

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