I was so confused by this unknown woman but her tears kept paining my heart and I couldn't take it anymore when she started crying hysterically.

I wrapped my arms around her in a comforting hug and told her, "Please don't cry Ma'am."

I don't even know why and what I am doing but it just feels so right.

"Adi, why don't you remember me! How can you forget me!" she said sobbing against my chest.

"I am sorry Ma'am, please tell me who are you?" I asked feeling guilty as why I don't know her.

She kept crying and pulled away after a few minutes.

"Beta, First tell me where were you these years?" she asked wiping her tears with her hand.

"Huh?" I asked.

She took my hand in hers and other hand caressed my cheeks.

She smiled a little when I looked at her then her hands confusingly.

"Mera bacha! How big you have grown." she said again and her smile widened.

"I waited for you for so long! You were so small that time. Now you are a full-grown man." she said smiling dreamily.

Just then I received a call from my secretary.

I pulled away from he and picked it up.

"Sir, Mr. Lee has sent the formal invitation for the ball he is organising in a few days." She informs.

I hum and cut the call instantly getting in my mind that I still need a formal wife.

"Adi Beta?" the woman asks.

I looked back and said, "Ma'am you may be mistaken, I am Samarth Kapoor and not any Adi. I hope you find him soon, I need to leave now. Please be careful on roads from now." I said and smiled making my way towards my car.

She held my hand again and said, "No! You are my Adi. I can find you even in my dreams. I cannot let you go now!" she said and moved her head in no.

I noticed the horror on her face whenever I started to leave.

"Ma'am please understand, I am not him!" I said in desperation to leave. But I didn't want to leave her.

What am I even thinking.

'Leave fast Adi!' my mind alerted.

"Bu-" she tried but I mad emy mind now.

"Ma'am please I am busy." I said and got out of grip.

I sat in my car and started driving, not before noticing her shouting behind my car and running behind it like a madwoman screaming, 'Adi beta, please stop! Adi!'

I was feeling something in my heart that urged me to stop but, I didn't.

Unknowingly, a lone tear slipped my eyes and I immediately wiped it off smiling at my stupid behaviour.

"Oh man! God please let her have her Adi soon, she seemed to be a nice woman!" I muttered under my breathe and drove away.

'Sam, by the way did you notice, first that Myra then her family, then this strange woman, why are all these calling you some Adi? Even Dadi and Dadu call you Adi but they say it is your nickname and nothing more from childhood but doesn't it all make some pretty good fuss. Like, don't you think something is wrong here?' asked my confused subconsious mind.

'Makes some sense there!' I thought and made a mental note to ask Dadu and Dadi later, but when they are better not now when they are in hospital.

I reached the office and entered my cabin.

"Mira!" I called and she rushed in with a cup of coffee and the letter in her hand.

She's proficient, that's why I handle her sultry attitude.

I opened the letter just as she left and started to read it taking the cup of coffee in my other hand.

He literally mentioned, 'TO MR. KAPOOR AND HIS WIFE!"

'Dude there is no wife!' my mind mocked.

I received a call and kept my cup back on the table.

"Hello, Mr. Lee!" I greeted swivelling my chair.

"Hope you got my letter, Mr. Samarth!" he said straight to the point.

"Yes Mr. Lee, you'll find me there!" I assured the old man.

"See you and YOUR WIFE soon Mr. Samarth. You better not make any false statements as this ball is very important to me and for our relations, hope you understand." He said seriously pushing pressure on the words, 'YOUR WIFE'.

This old man is more in my wife than the deal, he should tell me if he wanna remarry, I will definitely arrange a pretty second wife for him! FREAKING OLD STUBBORN MAN!

"Yes, me and MY WIFE, will be there, Mr. Lee. don't take too much stress." I said in the same tone as his again stressing the, 'MY WIFE'.

He hummed and said, "Very well then!" and cut the call.

I pressed my fingers on my forehead just as I got an idea that would make everyone happy.

My Dadu, Dadi and Mr. Lee, if all of then so want me to marry then ok.

"Let us marry, Sam!" I murmured under my breathe and continued, "And take a little revenge on that little girl who thinks she can be my wife!"

I smirked at my thought.

'I'll definitely marry her but she can never hold the position of my wife!' I thought angrily yet firmly.

I picked up my phone and called someone who will make the key to the door to everyone's happiness.

"Mr. Singh! I wanted you to make a little contract!" I said and my smirk widened.

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