10. Family Matters

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Vincenzo was now sitting opposite Viggo. He was looking at the paper work Viggo had brought him. Viggo was sitting sipping from a glass of wine opposite Vincenzo's desk.

Vincenzo was silently reading and making notes. He said as he was writing, "Is this all the guy managed to hand over to you? Was there anything else he had?"

Viggo said "After Orlando released him to me, I searched his bag and he had some paper work there... When I took him to his vault in his bank, he also had some documents there..."

Vincenzo said "There is more... There has to be... I will interrogate him later today..."

Viggo sighed "We both know where those missing documents are... Orlando must be holding onto them...."

Vincenzo said "No documents from this guy can have any value for him... Unless he wants to hold the documents to ransom so you go to his house for a visit again..."

Viggo said "Precisely..."

Vincenzo said "Then you will visit him again and confront him about it..."

Viggo said "Or you can give him a call and tell him to hand them over..."

Vincenzo said "Then I will have to offer him something... Which is your visit to his house again.... So either way its you who needs to resolve this matter... He is your buddy from college. Not mine..."

Viggo sighed "He is no buddy of mine... He does not get the message that I have no interest in our families being close... But fine... Once we go to Rome for Leandro's communion, I drop by... He better hand anything he has confiscated from the guy back to us..."

Vincenzo said "He will... He knows the documents are important to Rosarios... He wants friendship with you. Not nemesis..."

Viggo said "Oh, he is closer to nemesis that friend of mine right now if he took documents off the guy that he knows we want... I interrogate the guy again when he wakes up.... He became unconscious no thanks to Orlando's men who did a number on him... What's your verdict on him by the way?"

Vincenzo said "His crime is getting captured... He hasn't betrayed the Rosarios... So he lives... He will talk more when I interrogate him later... However, those documents dont come across as important... Maybe the guy thought he has no reason to tell you he has handed them over... They are usual records you can find elsewhere but there is something in those documents we cant find elsewhere and you know it..."

Viggo said "We are returning to Rome either way in a few days for Leandro's communion... I will stop by and make sure Orlando hands over anything he has taken. What does he want from me exactly? An invitation to come to my home?" He shook his head.

Vincenzo didnt reply and carried on reading and Viggo carried on drinking his wine and watching Vincenzo.

After a few minutes, Viggo asked "So what do you think?"

Vincenzo looked up "About what?"

Viggo put the wine glass down and stood up. He put his hands on Vincenzo's desk and leaned close.. "Vincenzo, let's address the main problem here... This business with Tristan is getting messier as the days go by... We need to deal with Tristan first before we can get on with our lives... The deal with Tristan takes priority... The case we are working on is just a normal business we can postpone... Why not put all our energy on the deal with Tristan..."

Vincenzo shook his head "I am not giving into Tristan's blackmail... He is the one who wants this deal... Not us... Not Rosarios... We dont have to sell anything to him... We dont need to hand over control to him... He is the one who has offered this deal and he is the one who must negotiate and compromise... What he is doing is dictating his terms... He is a typical O'Neil.." He then looked back at his paper work.

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