
Start from the beginning

There was silence, but Caspia quickly filled it so she wouldn't get hurt more. "Actually sensei, I hurt my hands and it's really hard to make a fist, so I don't think I should be fighting."

"I'll take her on." Another girl said who was at the back of the class. "I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show, but can you actually fight."

"I could beat you with both hands tied behind my back. Stay in your lane." Caspia was not a fan of people challenging her. She always wanted to prove herself and she knew full well that she was a better fighter than this newbie.

"Reaper, wanna put your money where your mouth is?" Caspia gave Johnny a confused look. "Your fists hurt and you said you could beat her with both hands tied behind your back. Why don't we do that?"

Caspia nodded her head and Johnny grabbed a small rope that was off to the side. He tied her hands behind her back and everyone moved to the edge of the mats as the new girl stood in the middle with Caspia.

"Alright Reaper, show her what you're made of." Caspia cracked her neck and stood her ground.

The girl swung at her, but Caspia ducked under it. She kept trying to hit Caspia, but she would dodge every single one. The girl tried to kick Caspia, but she jumped over her leg and spin kicked her dead in the chest. The girl fell onto her back, but quickly got up to her feet. Caspia tried to kick her, but the girl caught her leg, so Caspia jumped up and kicked her arm with her other leg. From on the ground, the girl grabbed Caspia's legs and flipped her over, but Caspia flipped over again and lightly kicked her in the ribs so she wouldn't hurt her too bad. The girl got to her feet again, but slowly this time. "Just give up."

"Never." The girl replied. She got into a fighting stance and Caspia was honestly tired of this, so she just sweeped her leg and the girl fell on her back.

"You're a good fighter." Caspia complimented as Hawk came up behind Caspia and undid the rope for her and handed it back to Johnny. "Thanks."

"Caspia." Caspia said as she put her hand out for the girl to take.

"Tory." She took her hand and got to her feet. Caspia winced a little at the grip on her cuts, but she was okay. Caspia fiddled with her medical bandaged on her right hand a little, trying to make it more comfortable, but the medical bandages were really starting to annoy her.


Caspia had decided to get rid of the bandages. She threw them out since they had her blood from her cuts on it and she tried flexing her hands, but the cuts still stung a little. Karate was over and everyone had already left, so Caspia walked outside and saw Hawk on Facetime with Demetri. "So you got pushed around, so what? Get over it. You were in a karate dojo, that's the whole point."

"It was aggravated assault, Eli!" At the sound of that, Caspia was intrigued. "Aggravated assault?"

"Demetri stopped by the dojo to sign up, but got pushed around by sensei Kreese."

"No, he punched me in the face!" Caspia's bad habit came back. She clenched her fists together and it did not feel good considering she still had cuts, but she couldn't help herself. "I looked it up. That's a year in prison and a ten thousand dollar fine!"

"Stop being such a bitch, Demetri." Hawk responded which made Caspia even angrier. She didn't like the fact that Hawk was defending Kreese. "You know what happens to snitches."

"They get immunity." Hawk sighed. "Snitches get stitches."

"I have stitches. I've got several stitches." Finally finding an opening, Caspia spoke up. "Are you going to be okay, Demetri?"

"I should be fine in a few weeks, thanks for asking."

"Don't do anything stupid, you'll regret it." Hawk said right before hanging up. Caspia really didn't like how rude Hawk was being, but she figured he was probably stressed or something.

"What happened?" Miguel suddenly asked, appearing next to Caspia. "That pussy Demetri couldn't handle training with sensei Kreese. He's not Cobra Kai material."

Miguel nodded and walked back inside the dojo to talk to Johnny. Hawk was about to leave, but before he did, he tried to give Caspia a chaste kiss, but she turned her head slightly so he couldn't. "Aw, don't be like that, Pancake."

Hawk put his hand on her chin and made her face him. He gave her a sweet kiss before they started walking. "So are you coming to my house tonight? I'll even take my hair down."

"I'm tired, I think I'll just stay home."

"Well, we can just watch a movie or you can stay over."

"It's okay. I'm just gonna go home." Hawk suddenly stopped her from walking by standing in front of her. "Are you mad? Did I do something to upset you?"

"No, I'm just tired." Caspia said a little more harshly. She walked past Hawk and began walking home and about halfway there, she had calm down. She looked down at her hands and they were bleeding again. Caspia sighed and kept her hands together so the blood wouldn't drip. This whole karate thing was really starting to stress her out.

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