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"Should we be sneaking out?" I asked, my voice small and quiet in the darkness of night. 

My other classmates gave me a look like they thought I was a child, but it wasn't that simple. If our teachers found out then they could tell my parents. 

I didn't want to be locked into a trunk so soon. 

"Are you going to be a pussy? Because if so then just stay here. We'll go to the party without you." They walked to the door, poking their heads out to check if the coast was clear. Wasting no time, they ran out and after a second of debating, I found my legs carrying myself after them. 

I wanted freedom so badly. 

So I followed behind them, feeling incredibly self conscious. The party was loud and lights were bright. I was so out of place and it was obvious by the looks I received. It wasn't so bad because I wasn't the only one. It was clear the disdain for all of us was because we were rich kids from a private school, coming to a party that was filled with the lower class students from the school in town. 

As much as I wanted to have some fun, I wasn't sure this was my scene. I wasn't used to seeing all the smoking and drugs being taken, or people devouring each other's faces and grinding on each other and how heavily they were drinking. 

My other classmates were elated because even though they haven't witnessed this either, this was their rebel years and they wanted to revel in it. For me...it was so overwhelming. 

So quickly I isolated myself outside, the loud music still being heard but was tolerable. The lights from the house lit up the entire yard but the house was on a hill, so I could easily see the skyline as the sun peaked up over the horizon. 

What made me jump was a kid sitting down beside me. I stared at him with alarmed eyes and when he turned to look at me, the lights showed off his features. 

He was insanely handsome but he couldn't have been much older than me, if he even was. 

"Not your scene?" He asked, his eyes searching my face curiously. 

I gave him a sheepish smile. "Not really." 

"You're one of the preppy rich kids, right?" He said it nonchalantly like it wasn't supposed to be offensive, but I couldn't help feel a little bothered knowing how much we weren't welcome here. 

Why'd we even come if most of the students just thought we were stuck up? 

"Yeah, I guess." I chewed on my bottom lip and I watched as he pulled out a joint, gesturing towards it so I quickly shook my head. "No, I don't smoke." 

"You come to a party and you don't dance, drink, smoke or fuck? Why'd you come? To look at the sunrise?" The blue reflected in his eyes, making his brown eyes look almost hazel.

Realizing he was right and immediately giving into the slight peer pressure, I slumped a little. "I don't...I've never done it before." 

"Don't worry, I'll coach you through it." He said, his voice so calm. That alone felt addicting. 

"Okay..." I said hesitantly, waiting for him to light it and then he scooted closer and our thighs were pressed against each other now. This was so weird for me because this was the closest any other student was ever willing to get to me. 

I put the joint to my lips. "Inhale." He instructed and our eyes locked as I inhaled the smoke. My brow furrowed at the burn my throat experienced. "Hold it." 

I only could for a couple of seconds before I was coughing so hard I thought my head would explode. I felt his hand run over my spine, trying to comfort me as I struggled. It caused small tingles to run through my skin, making me shiver.  

"That was a good hard hit for your first time." He cooed and I felt my heart burst. I felt pressure in my nose and eyes and it felt harder to keep my eyes open. He let out a low chuckle but my brain was already too muddled so it did things that I never let myself dwell on too long. But the weed had affected me so quickly that letting my thoughts venture that way was way too easy. 

"Woah." I let out a long breath, already feeling the drowsiness. 

"You're cute." He smiled at me. 

"You...you think so?" I stuttered. Nobody has ever called me cute before. 

"Isn't it obvious?" I watched him brush my hair back and I felt so close to throwing up from the butterflies. 

"Not really." I murmured. 

"Hasn't anyone ever called you cute before?" I shook my head. "Not even pretty? Majestic? Ethereal? Drop dead stunning?" He continued and with every compliment I felt my cheeks grow hotter. 

"No...no, they haven't." I somehow managed. 

"That's a shame how everyone is just lying to you. It has to be jealousy, I don't see any other reason." 

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked. 

He shrugged. "I thought you were cute. Turns out I was right." 

"What's your name?" 

"You can call me Joong." He replied and let out another long breath. "You really are high." 

"Sorry. I know I have no tolerance." I fought to keep my eyes open. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder and that was all it took to made me sag into his lap. "I'm so sleepy." 

He laughed, "Damn. I guess next time I should remember to keep you away from any substances. Or at least shotgun you because wow." 

I felt myself smile and the action was so foreign to me. "I'd like there to be a next time. You're really nice, Joong." 

"That is not something I usually get told." He replied. "You probably shouldn't go to sleep, I have no idea where to take you back to." 

I shifted to get more comfortable. "Too tired." 

"Okay. Sleep then, I'll keep you safe." He murmured and I felt his fingers in my hair. 

For the first time in my life...I slept peacefully.    

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