Chapter 4

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Through the mud we trudged, with the rain bucketing down on us. We tiptoed through the deep dark forest to come across the Bridge of Grey Bridge Village. It looked quite different to what I expected. The floor stones were brown with muddy footprints and the bridge looked white against the lightning flashes.

We crossed it with great difficulty as the bridge was slippery and we were afraid of slipping face first into the hard rocky floor. Finally we were on he other side of the bridge. We gazed upon our new village. It was a much smaller village than our own but the houses were bigger.

“Address?“ I asked my sister

“16 Main Street, Grey Bridge Village, England. Her name is Eddington-Clare.“ she responded quickly as we quickly sauntered through the few streets in the bucketing rain. “This house”

We were standing in front of a small cottage. It was the smallest on the street. Lilliana knocked on the door gently.

“Who’s there?”

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