Chapter 5

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We crowded around the little house.

“It’s a little small, isn’t it? Are you sure we will be able to stay here until there is safety?” I whispered to Lilliana

“It’s fine.” Answered my twin sister “She’ll let us. “

“What brings you to my house today?” a girl with dark brown hair and intense eyes asked.

“We’re running away from our father. Remember how I told you about him? “

“Mother and Father are going to freak out if they see you. I’m not sure if they would let you stay. To be honest, they don’t like rich kids like you. “ Eddington-Clare said so quietly that if you didn’t know she was speaking, you wouldn’t have heard her. “but, no one ever goes into the attic and last time I checked, there was a spare mattress in there. “

Our faces lit up.

“But you have to be quiet. Mum and dad are in the village working but my little sister – Aurora – will surely blurt out that you’re here if she knows. The attic is this way. ” Eddington-Clare said leading us through a tight corridor. “Stay here and be quiet. I need to grab the ladder.”

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