Chapter 1

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Soon, I found myself at the mercy of harsh rain battering against me as I ran away from the place I called home. I had barely left the place but I was already missing my  room, the castle turrets and even my sister, Lilliana’s, room which was filled with all sorts of pink junk that girls use.

The reason we were running away was quite simple. Ever since Mum died, Father has been doing a little mad and losing himself to grief. He ordered his men to whip me when I didn’t do my chores or when he found that I had played with the children of the village when we were supposed to take care of their elders.

Lately, Father had gotten worse, threatening me with death when I only did the slightest thing wrong. For my sister though, it was a different case, Father had never threatened Lilliana or whipped her. In his eyes, she was his golden child. Never wrong. Forever right. The definition of perfection.

With her long, wavy, golden hair, shimmery, ocean blue eyes and fair skin, I had to agree, she was very, very pretty. Although we were identical twins, father never thought so. My hair was just too short, the colour of my eyes too deep and the shade of my skin too tanned.

Lilliana had known I was being mistreated but there was nothing much she could do. Unless of course have us both punished. So whenever I got whipped or yelled at, she would peer thought the gap in between the door and, with shaking knees, watch me suffer. After every beating she would bring me a first aid kit to help me. I couldn’t have asked for anything more in a sister.

Being the scared younger twin, she had rushed to warn me when she heard plans for my murder being developed. She had begged for countless hours for me to run and finally, I agreed. She didn’t want to remain alone and it would be cruel to let my sister suffer so I brought her with me. 

Like that, we packed a small bag each. Each containing small amounts of food, water, money and a spare set of clothes. So, here we are now, in the pouring rain, mud drenching our thin clothes and running away from the place, for so long, we had called home.

It must have been a funny sight, to someone who just turned their head to glance out the window. Two blurry, children-sized figures in wrapped in shining jewels running through the mud and rain. To us, though, this was a matter of life or death. There was only one thought, engraved in our minds.

How could we get to safety before our father found out we had escaped?

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