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"Alright, let me repeat that just one more time for protocol." Knight leaned over the table and looked down at the four Destroyers in front of him. Laffey, Javelin, Z23 'Nimi' and Ayanami looked away in shame like a bunch of scolded schoolgirls. And that was precisely what was going on right now - a scolding. It pained him to do this, these four had really grown on him. But he could not let them go unpunished this time.

"After cleaning one of the warehouses, you found Laffey asleep, again, and when she woke up you thought that she suffered from amnesia."

"Yes." Javelin said.

"But instead of going to Dr. Vestal or any of the other Repair ships, you decided to help her looking for a 'pillow' so that she would regain her apparently lost memory?"

"Hmhm." Ayanami nodded. "That's what she wanted. A pillow that could craddle her whole head."

"So you spent all day wandering around the base, pressing her head into womens busts in hopes of 'curing' her, because....?"

"Yeah...." Z23 muttered, her head becoming redder and redder with every word he spoke. "When you say it like that..."

"Only to then find out that she was sleepwalking the whole time, yes?"

"Yes." all four said at the same time. "We are sorry, Sir."

He really expected more of them, especially Z23. She was after all a substitute teacher at the academy. The commander pinched his nose and sighed. "Do you have any idea how uncomfortable this must have been for the women? Seriously, why is that when something ridiculous happens on this base, it always involves you four?"

There was that time when they accidentily let Rodney blew up the picknick supplies for a large gathering and then they had to forage new ones. Or the time they 'encourgaed' Nimi to surprise him with chocolate hidden between her uniform and bosom, just like Eugen did once. Needless to say, the chocolate had melted by the time she wanted to present it, leaving Nimi in an embarassing situation. The Commander did not laugh at her predicement though, he didn't stare and quickly got her a new uniform while making sure her modesty was protected in the meantime.

Z23 and Ayanami were looking quite ashamed, Laffey was already half asleep again and Javelin apologized profusely in their names. With another sigh, the commander wrote their names on a piece of paper and then waved his hand at them, indicating that they could leave. "I believe a few weeks of cleaning duty will remind you to use your heads next time. Dismissed."

As they left, his new secretary Zuikaku entered the office and brought him his lunch. She too sat down and ate with him. "How was you date with my sister, Commander?" He had gone out with Shoukaku just yesterday and they actually had a good time, judging by how happy her sister returned home that evening. There was a hint of content in her voice as she said it and gulped down her Sake with one go.

"Well it would have been better if you hadn't shot daggers at me from across the restaurant." he joked.

Zuikaku blushed. "I thought I was subtle."

He laughed, which caused her only more embarrassment. "Not in the slightest."

Zuikaku clenched her fists. "Commander, I respect and admire you. But if you dare hurt my sister...."

He raised a hand, which made her stop. "I just gave her some advice on how to deal with her seniors and encouraged her to be more confident in herself. Shoukaku is an incredible woman and much stronger then she thinks." She was also a kind person, not to mention incredibly beautiful.

"O-Oh! I see." she muttered and nervously tucked at her skirt. Why did she always have to jump to conclusions?

"We also talked about you and that it would be better for you to stop comparing yourself to others. She is really worried about you, you know? You must not shoulder every burden on your own."

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