Chapter 23: And just like that 2

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Heyyy!! Back with a new chapter!!😁 I hope you will enjoy this one. 

Things are starting to spice up 😂😅

Thank you so much for all your comments and votes. 💕💕💕




Seri's heart skipped a beat as she received a text message from the one person she had hesitated to talk to but knew she should.

'Let's talk.'

That was it—just those two words.

Seri was overwhelmed. She was afraid.

Was it too late for her to explain her side of the story?

True, she wasn't the one who had bought the property, but she had secretly met with Jun Seo behind Jeong Hyeok's back. She hadn't heeded Jeong Hyeok's warnings and had proceeded with her plan.

If asked whether she regretted her actions, she would adamantly deny it. She would make the same choice again if it meant protecting Jeong Hyeok from harm.

Her phone rang again. This time, it was indeed Jeong Hyeok.

'I am on my way to pick you up. Are you still in Queens?'

'Yes. Jeong Hyeok...'

The moment Seri replied, Jeong Hyeok hung up.

Seri looked at her mobile's screen and sighed.




In Jeong Hyeok's car...

This was the most awkward car ride they had ever had. Come to think about it, they have never been like that. Even before they officially became a couple, their interactions had never been so strained.

"Love?" Seri started, but she didn't get a reply from Jeong Hyeok.

He kept his focus on the road, completely ignoring her.

"Can you hear me out, Jeong Hyeok?" Seri continued, but to her surprise, she witnessed an unfamiliar expression on her boyfriend's face.

The once loving affectionate look that he reserved exclusively for her, had vanished.

Abruptly, he accelerated the car, bringing them dangerously close to an accident. The last time such tension existed between them was when she had impulsively taken him and fled from Jun Seo's grasp. (Chapter 5).

"JEONG HYEOK BE CAREFUL!!" Seri shouted when they nearly hit another car yet again. She found herself in Jeong Hyeok's place around a year ago. (Chapter 5).




Reaching Jeong Hyeok's apartment...

Jeong Hyeok slammed the door shut with a resounding thud, causing Seri, who had entered the house ahead of him, to jump in surprise.

"Jeong Hyeok, what are you doing?" Seri shrieked.

"What am I doing?" Jeong Hyeok retorted, his frustration mirroring hers.

They stood in the apartment's hallway, not even taking a single step further into the house.

"Let's begin with what you were planning behind my back," he challenged.

Seri took a deep breath.

It was not going to be easy...

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