Chapter 11: With every breath a new day

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Hello Guys!! I am back with the new chapter. 

I wrote around 2 extra chapters without noticing 🤣.

This chapter is pretty healing as we explore Seri's past from her point of view.

I recommend you reread Choi Jun Seo's chapter, as I have made some changes that are important to the flow of the story, and are related to this chapter. 

Initially, I was debating whether to make Jun Seo's character a bit 'forgivable', or just make him look like the bad guy in the story. After writing this chapter and the next one, I have made my decision to go with the second option. 

I hope you will enjoy this chapter.

Thank you so much for your votes and comments.💕💕💕💕




As if he had known the family for years, Ri Jeong Hyeok blended well with everyone in the household. He managed to charm the family, specifically the elders.

It was lunchtime and everyone headed toward the prepared table. After Seri's recommendation, Ri Jeong Hyeok was in charge of the grilling. He was a natural when it came to barbecue.

"Son, leave the grill. You haven't eaten anything yet. Seung Joon can handle the rest" Seung Joon's father commented and Seung Joon nodded extending his hand to take the clipper, however, Jeong Hyeok refused. 

"It's fine Abeoji. I am ok. I am eating."

What no one noticed or better say chose to ignore was that Seri was the one feeding Jeong Hyeok the whole time while he was taking care of the bbq.

Seo Dan noticed the exchange between the couple and smiled inwardly. Seri didn't stop talking at the table, but at the same time, she was keeping an eye on Jeong Hyeok and taking care of him. Whenever she saw that he swallowed his bite, she would feed him. She was taking good care of him.

Seo Dan was grateful that none of the family members decided to comment on anything and treated the whole thing normally. Jeong Hyeok didn't look like the type of person who enjoyed attention.




After lunch, Seung Joon and Joo Meok took advantage of the fact that their girlfriends and Seri weren't around. They searched for Jeong Hyeok and found him getting ready to leave.

"Are you going somewhere?" Joo Meok asked.

Turning toward them, a bit startled at their sudden appearance, he said, "Ahh Yes. I have a few things to take care of. I have already informed Eomeonim and Abeonim that I am leaving."

He didn't know why but seeing them like that made him nervous.

When the two, Seung Joon and Joo Meok, heard approaching footsteps, their eyes widened glancing at each other and then at a confused Jeong Hyeok in front of them.

"Bring our jackets and slippers quickly," Joo Meok ordered Seung Joon then pushed Jeong Hyeok outside the house with him. Seung Joon who picked up the jackets and the outdoor slippers hastily followed them in tow.

The two men took Jeong Hyeok to the back of the house.

What's with this family and them pushing him to that area? He thought

"What... what is happening?" a startled Jeong Hyeok asked while being dragged to the backyard.

"Where do we go?" Joo Meok asked ignoring Jeong Hyeok's question. He then took the jacket from his friend and wore it commenting on how cold it is. "Oh, it's cold"

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